this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2025
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I've read it more slowly now. I think it could use a few edit passes to get things condensed into fewer categories. I felt I was reading the same advice in multiple contexts.
The amount of bullshit was near zero, I really think you know what's up. Sometimes, you left out basic "everybody knows" details, and I had to process for a moment to decide if it was because you were unaware or just for brevity. I concluded that you just wanted to write about the important stuff and not rehash old tips. That's a good thing.
Be safe out there.
Hi thanks again! Can you expand what you mean by "it could use a few edit passes to get things condensed into fewer categories" and "I felt I was reading the same advice in multiple contexts". Would love to fix it.
I read over it again just now. I don't know wtf I was talking about.. disregard that criticism. I was just searching for something productive to feedback, I guess. I think I'm just getting a general feel of disorganization that I can't quite put my finger on. Perhaps you've been editing since I last read, and that is why I no longer feel that way?
BTW, do you follow Michael Bazzell's work? He's got several books that are very informative. It seems you may have read them or at least heard his podcast. If not, you're in for a treat.