this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2025
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I recently put together a detailed opsec guide that covers practical steps for reducing your digital footprint, securing communications, and avoiding common pitfalls people make when trying to stay private online.

The goal was to create something that's actually useful and not just the usual "use a vpn and tor" advice. I tried to break down realistic methods that can help both beginners and people already familiar with opsec.

Id love to get some feedback from the community - what's missing, what could be improved, and if there's anything you disagree with.

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[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Okay I'm not sure if this is offtopic but, I feel like this kinda fit here:

About Cellular triangulation...

There is a way to sort of communicate "off grid"

AFIAK, portable Ham Radio / Two-Way radios don't have a "IMEI", while their signals can be tracked, its more difficult than cell triangulation, since there's no IMEI.

So... you just don't transmit from home, and find a different place to transmit from every time (and avoid getting recorded by CCTV while you are traveling / transmitting.

So here's an Encrypted Communication method that's "Off Grid":

Rattlegram is an app on iOS/Android that alllows converting a string of text to audio and play it over your phone’s speaker

Secure Space Encryptor (SSE) (known as Paranoia Text Encryption on iOS) is an Open Source app that can encrypt text.

  1. Use SSE to encrypt text (both the sender and receipient need to share a password over a secure channel beforehand)
  2. Copy-Paste the Ciphertext to Rattlegram (Rattlegram will convert the ciphertext into an audio)
  3. Play the audio over the radio
  4. On the other end, use Rattlegram to turn the audio back to the ciphertext
  5. Use SSE to decrypt.

Or replace SSE with OpenPGP, but the problem with PGP messages, is that they are much longer and you need to send multiple Rattlegram transmissions to send the entire ciphertext, basically its more time consuming. You want to finish your transmissions as soon as possible.

You probably want an airgapped device that have the aforementioned apps pre-installed.

Voila! Off-Grid Encrypted communications.

(Encryption is illegal over Ham Radio in many jurisdictions btw. I will neither confirm nor deny that I have tested sending an encrypted transmission 😏)