this post was submitted on 05 Feb 2025
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago (2 children)

Leave your phone behind because of geofencing. Even a dumb phone with your name connected to the bill will be traced to you. Grab an e-waste phone, buy a sim with cash, and even hide your face in the store, because the cops will get that footage.

Once you have your burner with no paper trail, never let it connect while at home, work, or any other place connected to your identity. Phones with removable batteries are best for this. Use a faraday bag if you must bring it home with you. Don't trust a phone to actually turn off.

The purpose of your burner phone is primarily to document events. You want to record the police instigating violence. However, avoid doxxing your fellow protestors. Don't record their vehicles, don't record their tattoos or other identifying marks. Keep the camera pointed at the cops. The media is captured by fascism, it will not report that the police are thugs. It's up to citizen journalists.

Expect the police to gain access to your phone. They will be logged into everything through that. Don't dox your friends by granting police access to your planning chat. Use a separate system for communicating during the event, and keep all accounts separate.

And there's other concerns as well, but mostly just .. don't bring a phone unless you know what you're doing. They're snitches.

(I didn't read the article yet. I expect I probably already did, years ago)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

The purpose of your burner phone is primarily to document events.

If that's your only goal, just get an actual camera.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

I didn't say it was the only goal, it is the PRIMARY goal. Secondary function is coordination of movement. As for camera functionality, it also serves to upload the images to the internet, or to live stream for awareness. An ordinary camera typically cannot serve that function

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 hours ago

Ah, now I have skimmed the article, they got the right idea. I think the precautions described there are insufficient. These are not normal times, be safe out there.