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The serious thing handicapping the left from having a Joe Rogan is that the left as a homogenous group only accepts leaders that are absolutely flawless and perfect in every way.
The instant there is a flaw that is found in any potential leader, the left invades that flaw, makes it the overriding characteristic of that person and destroys them because they do not allow flawed leaders.
Of course, they also don't allow leaders to be perfect, so they will tear them down for being obsequious or condescending or obsessed with always being right all of the time.
As soon as you can find somebody who is both flawless and also not so flawless that they are kicked out of the group for being flawless, then you can have your leftist strongman.
We HAD left wing Joe Rogan. His name was Joe Rogan. The man was a lefty. He voted for Obama twice. He endorsed Bernie.
The (farther than me) left "cancelled" him because he had guests on his show that they didn't like. I'm not going to get into that whole side conversation, but the left shunned him because they didn't like that he was seeing what other peoples (people they deemed evil or whatever) opinions were.
If you go back and watch his earlier episodes it's crazy how much he changed to today. Once he was "cancelled" and the left kept going after him you can notice him start sliding away from his original position on the left. Then covid happened and his brain broke or whatever and now you've got full right wing Joe.
The transition started slowly at first around ~2018-2019 I would say. Then in 2020 it fell off a cliff.
This is the exact shit I'm talking about. The left likes to play this morality politics. You bring on a right-wing guest, now you're the devil and irredeemable in their eyes. It's just bullshit! Cancel culture was literally invented and is most associated with the left.
Don't lump all the left in there. The far left may have abandoned all the moderate lefts, but we moderate left people still exist.