this post was submitted on 23 Jan 2025
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Protect your privacy in the digital world

Welcome! This is a community for all those who are interested in protecting their privacy.


~PS: Don't be a smartass and try to game the system, we'll know if you're breaking the rules when we see it!~

  1. Be nice, civil and no bigotry/prejudice.
  2. No tankies/alt-right fascists. The former can be tolerated but the latter are banned.
  3. Stay on topic.
  4. Don't promote proprietary software.
  5. No crypto, blockchain, etc.
  6. No Xitter links. (only allowed when can't fact check any other way, use xcancel)
  7. If you post news exclusive to a country please name it. ~(This isn't a bannable rule, just a recommendation!)~
  8. If in doubt, read rule 1

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[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago

That explanation honestly makes perfect sense to me. You can see the skeleton, still remaining, of a really cool and counterculture space where people can just talk to each other. I remember really liking the list of communities that were available when I first started poking around at Lemmy. But yes. If someone started being overbearing and saying that anybody who has X thing to say about Y country will get kicked out of the server immediately, then of course almost no one worth listening to will stick around and put up with that. Because why would they?

And then, it'll be populated only with shouty blowhards with all the same opinion, and become a joke of an instance. It's not a good outcome. The promise of the software, and surely the intent of the founders and developers, deserves a better flagship.