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Some of those articles are opinion pieces lol , wow great sources. Especially the one that compares Trump to Hitler. Definitely no bias there. That one was a far reach.
All of those articles can be construed as fear mongering as well, the very same thing people accuse right wing media and Republicans of.
A big tug of war.
You don't believe Musk should be compared to Hitler either. In spite of his rhetoric, pro-fascist propaganda on X, and actually giving a Nazi salute on national television... twice!
Maybe it's time to check your own bias. Or go back to X and truth social if you just want an echo chamber.
What a rediculous take. These people are obviously fucking Nazis and people who think otherwise suh as yourself, well...
Can see it with your own eyes if your not an absolute fucking moron.
Found the person completely oblivious to what's going on around them.