this post was submitted on 22 Jan 2025
85 points (95.7% liked)


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Protect your privacy in the digital world

Welcome! This is a community for all those who are interested in protecting their privacy.


~PS: Don't be a smartass and try to game the system, we'll know if you're breaking the rules when we see it!~

  1. Be nice, civil and no bigotry/prejudice
  2. No tankies/alt-right fascists. The former can be tolerated but the latter are banned
  3. Stay on topic
  4. Don't promote proprietary software
  5. No crypto
  6. No Xitter links (only allowed when can't fact check any other way, use xcancel)
  7. If you post news exclusive to a country please name it. ~(This isn't a bannable rule, just a recommendation!)~

Related communities

founded 2 months ago

After the original mod being inactive for so long, i've asked the db0 mods for me to take this community. So, welcome back!


This includes the instance rules of dbzer0, which can be tl;dr'd to: no right wing nutjobs or tankies are allowed. As for the community rules:

  1. Be nice
  2. No bigotry/prejudice
  3. No tankies/right wingers
  4. Don't promote proprietary software
  5. Stay on topic
  6. No crypto
  7. Don't be a smartass and try to game the system, we'll know if you're breaking the rules when we see it!
  8. If you post news exclusive to a country please name it. (This isn't a bannable rule, but just a recommendation :) )

Why not:

.ml is infamous for banning pretty much anyone they please. This community, while left libertarian, will allow conflicting viewpoints.

.world is too big, and has centralized a decentralized community. It simply does not fit, and is a net negative for the fediverse as a whole.

I will be creating a wiki/guide for this community later on, but i'm currently busy.

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[โ€“] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I agree with the person above. Let them be. No need to do instance-based discrimination

[โ€“] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I have edited the top comment, #1 is now the rule.

I think I will keep the no tankies rule, but ar long as they don't explicitly act like one they will be fine.