I go to the gym since december. I started at 83,6 kg now I am at 79,4 kg.
My goal is about 72 to 74 kg without losing too much muscles.
Right now I cant do a single pull up and I do a upper body lower body split.
Upper body:
- Lat Pulldowns (cable)
- Seated Rows (cable)
- Australian Pull ups
- Push Ups
- Dead Hangs
- Shoulder press (seated with dumbbells)
- bicep curls standing with Dumbbells
- Triceps cable machine
And lower body days I do
Leg press
Leg extensions (machine)
The other Leg machine that I pull back lol
Knee raises on pull up bar
The wednesday and saturday I do inclined walking at 15% incline and 4 km/h speed for 30 minutes
My thought is losing weight, makes pull ups easier and doing some more bodyweight stuff.
Im scared I will develop disbalance somewhere, am I missing something?
If you wanna do X, practice X. In fitness, for almost anything, there's an easy version of the thing. In this case, negative pullups.
Ok I dont think I can do them yet...
If you can't do negatives safely, work on just dead hangs with core activation, and move to scapular pulls just activating the lats.
You can also try inverted rows, where you take something like a bar and do "pull ups" or rows with your feet on the ground and pulling your chest up. Search those up; it's not an exact one to one, but will help developing strength with a kind of similar motion.