this post was submitted on 16 Nov 2024
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“I’m not interested in anyone who is moving further away from the center,” said Cindy Bass, a Pennsylvania committee member from Philadelphia. “The center is where we have to be.”

They're not going to change a thing unless people make them.

Find your local state delegate and personally tell them how you believe nominating a centrist will only going to guarantee another Republican victory. They are listed here:

Bernie Sanders is working behind the scenes to get a progressive in there but he can't do it alone.

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[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

Getting my predictions in now: the 2028 Democratic nominee will be running on a platform of making the extermination of trans people 10% more efficient, people will say that you have to vote for them because at least they don't also want to exterminate gay people, the Republicans will flip New Jersey, and the DNC will conclude that they should've run on exterminating the gays too.

These people have completely lost the plot. Being progressive on social issues is the only thing they have to offer, because they can't be progressive on economic issues because of their donors. If you're not going to adopt an economic platform that would actually address people's needs, and you're also abandoning us queer "freaks," then what are you even going to run on? Fucking NAFTA? What, are you running a campaign to try to get elected president or to try to get appointed a mod on r/neoliberal?

I'd ask how people with such terrible political instincts are even relevant to making these decisions, but I already know the answer is money.

[–] assaultpotato 0 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

2024 election was dictated essentially entirely by minority voters swapping sides for economic reasons

DNC should run on purely social issues because they can't address the economic issues


[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I mean, ideally they ought to address the economic issues, but that's a nonstarter because of their donors' interests. They're abandoning the stuff that they're actually somewhat decent on to make the areas where they suck the focus of their messaging.