this post was submitted on 16 Nov 2024
101 points (98.1% liked)

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“I’m not interested in anyone who is moving further away from the center,” said Cindy Bass, a Pennsylvania committee member from Philadelphia. “The center is where we have to be.”

They're not going to change a thing unless people make them.

Find your local state delegate and personally tell them how you believe nominating a centrist will only going to guarantee another Republican victory. They are listed here:

Bernie Sanders is working behind the scenes to get a progressive in there but he can't do it alone.

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[–] 31337 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Find your local state delegate.

Would this be "State Democratic Party chairs?" I'm not really sure how the party is structured and who votes. And apparently, the chair for my state resigned.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

State Party Chairs have a good chunk of the votes, yes. Along with the vice chair and a mixture of others. I am assuming you are from Texas in which case, while the Texas democratic party chair will step down, it's after the DNC chair elections. You can also reach out to the Texas Democratic Party Vice Chair Shay Wyrick-Cathey ([email protected])