this post was submitted on 07 Nov 2024
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In light of the recent election, it’s clear that the Democratic Party needs a significant leftward shift to better address the needs and concerns of the American people. The party’s centrist approach is increasingly out of touch, limiting its ability to appeal to a broader base and especially to young voters, who are looking for bold and transformative policies. The fact that young men became a substantial part of the conservative voting bloc should be a wake-up call—it’s essential that the Democratic Party broadens its appeal by offering real solutions that resonate with this demographic.

Furthermore, one major missed opportunity was the decision to forgo primaries, which could have brought new energy and ideas to the ticket. Joe Biden’s choice to run for a second term, despite earlier implications of a one-term presidency, may have ultimately contributed to the loss by undermining trust in his promises. Had the party explored alternative candidates in a primary process, the outcome could have been vastly different. It is now imperative for the Working Families Party and the Progressive Caucus to push for a stronger, unapologetically progressive agenda within the Democratic Party. The time for centrist compromises has passed, as evidenced by setbacks dating back to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, the persistently low approval ratings for Biden since 2022, and Kamala Harris’s recent campaign, which left many progressives feeling alienated. To regain momentum and genuinely connect with the electorate, a clear departure from moderate politics is essential.

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[–] xmunk 27 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (1 children)

No. Do a Bernie.

An independent can't win the presidency but independents absolutely can become state senators, state house reps or federal senators.

If you're a politician who manages to win your local democratic primary run as an independent with no one with the (D) label... if no one is wearing the label you'll outperform wearing it yourself.

You can affix yourself to a more niche party like Democratic Socialists of America or the Working Families Party but keep that (I).

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

2016, 2020, 2024...


That's the regime whore that could have taken voters from Trump but no DNC komissars shut it down EVERY SINGLE TIME

[–] xmunk 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Let me clarify - don't try and do a Bernie into the Whitehouse - you're up against an immense amount of money... but do try and do a Bernie into other positions.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I will vote any "true" Bernie type at any level of elections. At least that guy says things i want to hear... sanctioned regime whore candidates can't even muster to butter me with "maternity leave", proper social services, universal healthcare... i guess they don't need my vote lol