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Did you really just use the "It's fake, but it's not really fake, so blame someone else", line? Holy fuck, you're cracked.
Hate crimes have been on a rapid increase since (surprise) 2016, which aligns perfectly with trumpisim giving racists permission to come out of their closet.
Even in this community, rhetoric is amplified with the number of anti-immigration posts during election cycles and anti-muslim posts for filler. That is very on-brand.
No I used reason to show why it makes no sense to court a very small group at the expense of other groups.
A study of hate crimes in 2019 found over 2/3rds of hate crimes have been confirmed to be hoaxes.
It's anti illegal immigration, and immigration reform that benifits the US. What's wrong with that. I have not seen these anti Muslim posts you claim.
You literally launched into a "bUt thE lIbrUls" line.
Lol. "A study." A guy who wrote a book on it disagrees with your 2/3rds number.
You should read Wilfred Reilly's book, and not just an article cherry picking and creating their own stats from his book. He looked at just under 600 reported hate crimes and found over 400 to be hoaxes. Taking the FBI reported number of hate crimes and using the ones he found to be hoaxes from a pool of 600 is bad statistics.