this post was submitted on 15 Oct 2024
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That's a highly misleading characterization
They only briefly paused after people fainted and then continued and changed the format to a Q&A with a speaker. Only a few questions into the Q&A he said "who wants to listen to questions" and "let's listen to music". He wrapped up making it sound like he was done, but then just stood there for 39 minutes nodding to music
The whole town hall is online, you can watch it yourself. Here’s how he spends the last 40 or so minutes
Edit: also he showed zero respect for the people that fainted. He was insulting their weight and asked if "anyone else wants to faint too"
Alright. Might have misspoke. I saw clips which I obviously fell for the propaganda
There were some misleading initial reports about it, to be fair
Yeah. I could have better researched better before I commented. Also I greatly appreciate you being polite.
I also deleted the comment
Restore it and add an edit note that you fell for the propaganda so others can learn from you too. Strike out the text if you want to be extra clear.
Own your mistakes and help everyone!
Good idea. I don't know how to strike out sentences, so if you could help me with that? I'll work on restoring the comment
Edit: I actually don't know how to restore the comment
For future striking out sentences use ~~ around the text ~~like this~~ to make it look ~~like this~~
Not sure if there's a way to restore comments
Sweet. Thanks
I like you and the humility you’ve displayed here. Thanks for being a reasonable person.
The world is being restored one conversation at a time. You're both upstanding internet anons.
If you are using an app I have no idea, but on a browser the three dots underneath switches between Delete and Undelete. The text editor options has one to ~~strike through~~ whatever text you have already highlighted. If the strike through shows squiggles you might need to remove some spaces as they have to be right against the first and last words to work right.
I applaud you taking one for the team!
I had to do it paragraph-by-paragraph. It is working now
Sadly this is how it works. Now imagine you're one of the millions of people who absolutely wouldn't care to dive deeper into this and just argue from the rooftops that he's a brilliant person.