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Hmmm did I say she won anything? Once again proving your inability to read.
Trump made a fool of himself then went on to say how everyone agrees he won. He rambled about disproven claims and didn't bring up any real policy. It's weird how the right thinks acting foolish wins a debate. Anyone that was positively influenced by his debate performance is a fucking moron because that was even more embarrassing than Biden's debate
Just imagine beholding Trump, everything from his very foolish appearance, to the horrible things he says, his complete lack of understanding about almost every issues (dumbfuck is still acting like other countries pay tariffs, to say nothing of retaliation and trade wars), his deranged ramblings, moody insults, defensiveness, and not being repulsed. Makes no sense to me. On the other hand I've seen people "I don't like trump, but I'm voting for him because I think he'd be better on 2A". Sure, brilliant.
She fact checked the shit out of him and straight up laughed at the ridiculous stuff he was saying. She pushed his buttons.
He's absolutely losing IT - as in his mind. He's been falling apart since getting shot and you could see him break further during the debate.
Why are you asking me to defend a stance on not taking again?
Pretty sure we experience entirely different versions of reality, not just debates.
Or perhaps more likely to seek help and take psychologists and counselors seriously. There’s been a big shift in willingness to accept that one might have a mental illness within the past couple of generations.
Woah bro, you really told me! One of those nuanced, well informed takes you're known for by now.
Only if you actually understand the studies, analyses, caveats, potential biases, and possible reasons for the results, which you don't seem to have taken into account. Assuming you're actually citing reliable research, which is unlikely, based on my experiences here. Again, it seems likely that conservatives lead in undiagnosed mental illnesses, which makes sense given the poor access to health care in many conservative majority states, and lower willingness to have their mental health evaluated.
Okay, keep on selling medical devices because you were too incompetent at being a doctor.
@wintermute_oregon @Zeppo
The stupid party and the evil party
“Acting foolish” in what way exactly? She actually expressed ideas for policy and acted professional while Trump just whined, attacked with lies and moaned in a slovenly way, with a few notable outbursts about bullshit.
Expected by whom? That does not seem to be the consensus in any media I consume or with people I’ve talked to.
That’s a wild analysis about her lying constantly. It’s so bizarre that someone would hear trumps endless spew of nonsense and then say that about Harris.
Sorry to have to mention reality, but that is not what Silver is saying currently:
We can discuss Harris, sure. However, the topic was a debate - so yes, the idea is comparing the two. Trump was slovenly, unhinged and incoherent, but you somehow didn't notice and claim that Harris did a bad job? Your interpretation is so distorted that I'm not sure it's worth addressing.
okay, so Silver is working for Peter Theil now. Good to know.
Yeah bro, TDS, the left!
We were comparing their debate performances as far as I can read it, so pretty sure that's not "TDS" (which is an absurd term, and fuck Charles Krauthammer for introducing that to the lexicon - about Bush, of course). It's worth noting that you made those claims about Harris' performance while either accepting Trump's or just overlooking his frankly insane behavior.
I don't really trust anyone once Theil is involved. Maybe that's just my Theil Derangement Syndrome, since of course criticizing conservatives always means mental illness.
There are other experts who have analyses too, of course. You might check out this one:
I can read the entire article. You mean you don't use NoScript etc?
There's no "paranoia" about Theil. He's shown himself to be an incredibly horrible person and to do bizarre things like have special assistants for donating blood he is injected with. Imagine how much 'conservatives' would freak out if Obama or someone similar did that, but he's your boy, keep him.