Smartwatches can easily last seven years; I want software support to match
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My coros sports watch is on year 5, still days of battery life, no bugs, behaves as bought. Granted it has limited non sport tasks, but I think 7 is entirely possible Edit days of battery if I use it for gps sports tracking once a day, for over an hour, which I normally do
My casio G-shock, a no-bullshit über-tough, good looking, practical time-telling device, is on YEAR SIX of the original battery, and comes scuba diving with me.
Keep your days-of-battery watch, I'll keep mine.
No one is asking you to switch your watch. Different people have different needs.
My post says precisely that
It clearly comes off as a dig at watches like mine, oddly hostile
That's cool. I'll revise my statement too.
I get weeks of battery if I never used it for gps tracking, sports stuff.
Days if I go on a run or a hike every day, which I usually do.
Totally different machines