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What's crazy here is how you're trying to use a couple serious crimes committed by someone who identified as LGBTQ while ignoring the littany of child sexual abuse cases among religious and conservative men. This makes it look like you don't care at all about what happens to children, only about trying to score hollow political points
You completely misunderstood my point. Using sexual abuse cases perpetrated by someone whose identity you don't like as an argument against that identity is what is bigoted. Deliberately ignoring similar cases perpetrated by people whose identity you do like is bigoted and perpetuates abuse.
My god man, this is at the beginning of your source. You're still completely missing my point in an effort to...I guess make it seem like child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is a myth? Reread my previous comment and try to think about it again if you're interested in trying to understand how what you're saying here is totally off topic
I guess I have to reiterate: Child sexual abuse is perpetrated by people of many different backgrounds. Using a handful of perpetrators who identified as LGBTQ as an argument against all people who are LGBTQ is bigoted. Using a handful of religious leaders who are perpetrators of sexual abuse as an argument against all religion is bigoted. I've noticed you only seem to care about one of these, though...