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Is it a "major win for the Constitution and the separation of powers" when the judicial branch acts unilaterally to dismantle the executive branch?
6 people who weren't elected, have lifetime appointments, and take massive bribes from billionaires are getting rid of an agency that was created by the elected president to enforce rules and regulations that protect workers' rights written by elected members of congress.
The judicial system is the check and balance for the billionaires who might be affected by law changes brought by the general public voting.
You don't like the Constitution, figures...
I mean, the founding fathers intended for it to be the groundwork for a living document, hence the codified procedure for amending it, and the amendments. But our legislative branch has gotten so dysfunctional that the idea of passing an amendment is laughable, and so it has become frozen in time. So, no. Not really, I don't think it represents the needs of our country.
Почему россиянина волнует Конституция США?
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