this post was submitted on 21 Jul 2024
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Good luck trying that shit in France. I think the fact that the actual word we use literally means "for drinks" (pourboire) hammers home the fact that this is extra money you are giving a "service" employee because you like them, and not because their employer is not paying them enough
Might be more of a cultural difference than just the word, because we use the same word in Québec and unfortunately we have a very similar tipping system to the US. We even have different wages for employees that are considered doing a tipping job (salaire au pourboire), just like the US.
And more and more, it's unfortunately common to go in a place where tipping was not expected, and now they are showing tipping options on the terminal, or they leave little jars in front of the cash register.
I went in France a few months ago and it was so refreshing not to have to bother with this BS.