this post was submitted on 05 Apr 2024
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A community for writers, like poems, fiction, non-fiction, short stories, long books, all those sorts of things, to discuss writing approaches and what's new in the writing world, and to help each other with writing.

Rules for now:

1. Try to be constructive and nice. When discussing approaches or giving feedback to excerpts, please try to be constructive and to maintain a positive vibe. For example, don't just vaguely say something is bad but try to list and explain downsides, and if you can, also find some upsides. However, this is not to say that you need to pretend you liked something or that you need to hide or embellish what you disliked.

2. Mention own work for purpose and not mainly for promo: Feel free to post asking for feedback on excerpts or worldbuilding advice, but please don't make posts purely for self promo like a released book. If you offer professional services like editing, this is not the community to openly advertise them either. (Mentioning your occupation on the side is okay.) Don't link your excerpts via your website when asking for advice, but e.g. Google Docs or similar is okay. Don't post entire manuscripts, focus on more manageable excerpts for people to give feedback on.

3. What happens in feedback or critique requests posts stays in these posts: Basically, if you encounter someone you gave feedback to on their work in their post, try not to quote and argue against them based on their concrete writing elsewhere in other discussions unless invited. (As an example, if they discuss why they generally enjoy outlining novels, don't quote their excerpts to them to try to prove why their outlining is bad for them as a singled out person.) This is so that people aren't afraid to post things for critique.

4. All writing approaches are valid. If someone prefers outlining over pantsing for example, it's okay to discuss up- and downsides but don't tell someone that their approach is somehow objectively worse. All approaches are on some level subjective anyway.

5. Solarpunk rules still apply. The general rules of solarpunk of course still apply.

founded 1 year ago

Been thinking about writing a solarpunk story about a far future where humans live on this habitable Earth-like moon, but I'm wondering how the weather would work if the Earth-like moon is tidally locked to a gas giant and thus one day on the moon corresponds to a full orbit which would be like longer than an Earth week. So parts of the moon would be in night for several Earth days long, and other parts would be regularly eclipsed by the massive gas giant as well, making a sort of night.

How would the weather work in such a case? Would it freeze every night on this world? Or would winds and atmosphere still regulate temperatures?

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[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It sounds like a really interesting place to live. Long days and nights on the outside side while the planet-facing side would only get a varying glow from the planet and sort of an incomplete sunrise and sunset. Depending on how warm and reflective the planet is, it might be dusk during the day, then a sort of sunrise, then a total eclipse, then another sunrise and back to dusk. Rad.

From a weather standpoint it sounds kinda turbulent. The smaller size/thermal momentum of the moon's atmosphere, and the inconsistent heating could give you some stronger temperature swings week to week (plus one side of the planet would be more effected than the other). The temp changes could effect all kinds of stuff depending on stuff like mountains and bodies of water. Maybe hurricanes and tornadoes, or heavy rainstorms? I wish I knew enough to be more specific.

I will check: do they have a molten core protecting their atmosphere with a magnetic field, or is it something the terraformers built? If so you could justify Aurora borealis (or alternatively sweet volcanos and geothermal). If it's tech protecting them, that could back up some of the themes of solarpunk respecting nature but still using technology, which I suppose is somewhat there already if they used space trave to get to this moon (though that might have been a different, more exploitative society that they've reformed since).

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with, sorry I'm not better at weather stuff but if you want help with other world building or want a test reader let me know.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Actually I developed the time system before I developed anything else. 😅 As the gas giant is quite large, eclipses are common.

I'd like a small magnetosphere like one of the Jovian moons. There's a proplanetary hemisphere (tidally locked to the planet) and an antiplanetary hemisphere (facing away from the planet). Then there's a leading hemisphere that faces toward the direction of the orbit and a trailing hemisphere opposite. So turns out a moon has a lot more hemisphere divisions than a planet.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I'm interested to see the experience of living there!

Maybe this isn't useful but I've generally had pretty good luck asking worldbuilding questions in specialized communities here and on reddit. Sometimes people are really excited to jump into hypotheticals and sometimes I find myself trying to explain the concept of fiction, it's always interesting seeing which communities go which way.

There's a weather community on Lemmy and a meteorology subreddit (if you have an account over there) maybe they'd be able to make some more suggestions?

Best of luck!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago