SEGA SATURN, SHIRO! - It's Time to Change the Narrative About SEGA Saturn...
Vintage gaming community.
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I agree. Saturn is it's own thing, and much more than just the story of its failure.
But I cannot help tell that story, because, like many, I never experienced it. It was simply too expensive. I spent my allowance on my Sega 32X and then my Sega CD and then Sony PlayStation.
There wasn't money or available units in my childhood to buy a Saturn.
As an adult, I don't feel like I know enough about the Saturn to shop for a used console and games, and I suppose don't have the nostalgia to want to spend a lot.
I found it hard to emulate, though maybe I'm not willing to work as hard at it because I'm not really aware what I'm missing.
Anyway, from what I know of the Saturn catalog, Sega would change the narrative decisively, by releasing a Sega Saturn Mini console. Here's hoping!
SegaLordX on YouTube is great for learning about Saturn games
I've seen some of SegaLordX's videos, and they were great. This is great reminder that I should go binge their back catalog. Thanks!
Honestly one of my favourite gaming channels on YouTube. Enjoy!
My friend had a Saturn and it was so dope.
Panzer Dragoon and Materia were so fun.
Uh…there was an article that had a Sega executive stating that manufacturing more microconsoles would be expensive.
Yeah. I've seen that, too. It's a shame.
I suspect that "expensive" here means "not as wildly profitable as we're used to", and that they'll get around to it when they run out of other ideas.
There's a few companies out there now successfully selling hard to emulate stuff. I dream that Sega can make a deal with one of them to make a DreamCast and a Saturn Mini console happen.
Or feven a nice Steam bundle would be okay with me. I'm not going to plop down $7 per game when I don't know anything about their catalog, but I'm down for a big $40-$60 curated collection.