The Greatest GPU of All Time: NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti & GTX 1080 2024 Revisit & History
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Own one and I keep trying to justify the upgrade but without ray tracing it can still crank out a lot of games on ultra. And quite realistically ray tracing quality in games hasn't justified the cost.
On what resolution and refresh rate though? For 1080p it might be able to do ultra on some games but above that I feel like it's starting to struggle? No wonder, it's getting quite old at this point but still.
My 2070s is not able to do ultra on anything fancy from even it's release year on my ultra wide monitor at full resolution. It's also a 144hz monitor. Cyberpunk took a lot of fiddling to get to consistently around 50-60FPS at 3440x1440
100mhz ultrawide LG at 1080x2560. It's not always at ultra for everything. But it still crunches polygons.
100,000,000hz refresh rate? Surely must be some diminishing returns /s
🤦🏼♀️ Good catch 100 hz