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Because he just so happened to be the only man carrying a jug of water at that time and place? Its Jesus, dude made a lot of miracles.
You're more willing to believe in magic than the existence of gender non-conforming persons in 30 CE Jerusalem?
Its the bible, yes.
Its the bible, yes.
So are gender non-conforming people.
Such as a man who dared to drink water?
If you're still stuck on "There is not and has never been culturally decreed gendered behavior" why do you care when people don't conform to culturally decreed gendered behavior?
I take it you don't care who wears skirts or takes pills to grow breasts or removes breasts they don't want to have or changes their name or pronouns?
Surely you're not just denying past gender non-conformity to reinforce a strict gender binary today, right?
Theres a massive difference between not adhering to gender roles, and mutilating yourself.
That has nothing to do with being trans either. Circumcision is more "mutilation" than healthcare.
Besides, what do you care what people do to their own bodies?
I care about saying that drinking water makes you queer. Its absurd.
I don't believe I said "drinking water makes you Queer".
A statement I didn't make being or not being absurd is hardly relevant to a conversation consisting of things people have actually said, now is it?
Ok, being pedantic, carrying a jug of water before indoor plumbing existed.
I never said that made anyone Queer either. I said it was socially considered feminine coded labor in Roman Palestine, much as sewing was in 1950s united states or washing clothing in the 1800s.
That is not an assertion on what is or should be anyone's responsibility, or the moral righteousness of sexist views. It was solely a comment on what behavior would have been viewed contemporarily as gender non-conforming behavior (and how Jesus didn't care).
You did a few comments back. You didn't in your initial comment, but you did afterward.
Then you would surely have no problem linking it?
Sure? I already quoted it, but here.[email protected]/t/931532/-/comment/5953207
That isn't loading. Got a non-broken link? Maybe thatll work for you?
That appears to be me asking a question, not making an assertion.
You stated a fact while asking a question, stop being obtuse.
I don't believe I did.
How can I stop something I've never started in the first place??