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Like when Biden said you can’t catch Covid if you are vaccinated? Or you won’t die? Both are false. Or when fauci said cloth mask are effective ? They are not.
That’s why an open debate is important. People need to be informed and able to have effective conversations about the topic.
Yes. The act of asking is itself the problem. Justices should not be asking questions of whether or not we should discard the constitution just because it makes her political masters have a hard time enacting their garbage.
As I said, the government is free to push its own narrative through its own channels. If some government organization wants to spend their time spamming tweets, they're free to do so. They can use their own websites, call for press conferences, that type of stuff.
I didn’t believe anything. The science shows they don’t work. They isn’t a belief. That’s a fact. Studies before the pandemic showed that to be true, studies during the pandemic showed that to be true and studies after the pandemic came to the same conclusion.
Fauci even admitted he knew he was lying.
I get you people like 1984 but we don’t need to make it how we run our country.