r/usenet - Usenet Discussion

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The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Albuyeh on 2024-09-18 23:09:10.

I am trying to download the same release on two different indexer. On one indexer (NzbGeek) the file eventually fails during the par checks (it says something like not enough par-blocks, 32 block(s) needed, but 10 block(s) available.) but when I use the other indexer, I see it actually uses my backup servers (pic) and is able to repair the file fine.

  1. Why is one indexer failing and the other one is fine?
  2. Why did the first indexer not use my backup server?
The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Ziggy078 on 2024-09-18 22:29:15.

Anyone have an updated Usenet BackBone Map?? one i have seems outdated, misses things. i wanna get rdy for black friday deals , need an updated map so i can plan my servers/Blocks and such,

many thks

New to usenet (zerobytes.monster)
submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
The original post: /r/usenet by /u/ponzi314 on 2024-09-18 20:09:20.

Hey All,

I'm not sure how I've never heard of Usenet. I've been using Torrents since 2012 and just stumbled upon this lovely thing. Sure, it costs money, but not having to store/seed sounds like a nice trade-off.

So far, I've been researching it for a day (not that long), and so far, I've got the following: 1 month of FrugaNews sub. Then I signed up for Geek. I'm noticing that Geek has a lot of shows/ movies but not a lot of books. Do different indexers have different content? Are they all indexing the same data?

Do you have any tips you recommend to me? I was thinking after this 1 month "trial" I'd wait for a black Friday sale and dive in. I know it's good to have a Provider and a backup block account. But how about Indexers? Are you supposed to have a backup indexer too? Is the only way to go with Paid Versions?

I'm in the USA so please keep that in mind when suggesting providers/indexes. I saw Eweka was a very popular one on here but its EU server so I assume that would be bad for me

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/ChemistHistorical432 on 2024-09-18 17:58:45.

Hey everyone,

I'm using NZBGet with Frugal Usenet on a 150Mbps internet connection, but my download speeds have dropped a lot recently—I'm only getting around 6-8 MB/s. It was working fine and I was getting better speeds just a couple of weeks ago, so I’m not sure what’s changed. Here’s my setup:

  • Client: NZBGet
  • Provider: Frugal Usenet
  • Internet: 150 Mbps

I’ve checked my NZBGet settings and the server connections, but nothing seems to help. Any ideas on what could be causing this slowdown?

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Xevioni on 2024-09-18 17:25:28.

Overall, it was a good service, strong speeds when Frugal began slowing a couple months ago. Also reduced missing article issues, but overall it was kinda expensive at $13/15/mo. Cancelled, and of course emails started appearing about retention offers; this one is the best so far.

In all seriousness, I don't want you to miss out on our latest and greatest offer. For just $35.88/year ($2.99/month), you can get our premium Newshosting service, and I promise it's worth every penny. As an additional benefit, unlimited Easynews and unlimited Tweaknews will be included at no additional charge for the duration of your plan. Plus, I will also add an additional 3 months of access to your account at no extra cost.

Not exactly an expert on this stuff though, maybe you guys can point out the fatal flaw I can't see. $3 is cheaper than frugal.

The only reasonable flaw is that they are gonna put me on the 'Lite' plan, throttle or restrict me, or lock me in for the full year with no month-to-month option.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Bluejay3784 on 2024-09-18 15:03:37.

Can somebody tell just if I am barking up the wrong tree as far as setting up my providers as I really cannot make heads not tails from charts and trees. And I mean no disrespect at all to those that have created them...that job obviously was not an easy one. I am simple-minded and thought I might ask the question before I put good money out there.

I somehow lost a couple of providers s I was looking at SABnzbd the other day...I currently only have FrugalFarm. After a few frustrating hours (of looking at the charts and researching prices), I thought I might add NewsGroupDiirect and Usenetserver to my arsenal....as far as getting the most bang for my buck and all-around coverage. Are these two appropriate for my needs? Are they actually on different backbones? I know its right there, but my eyes have crossed, and I am really just looking for a yes or no answer. Thank you for your time....and please be nice to an old guy.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Material-Raccoon-87 on 2024-09-18 14:51:10.

Checked my blocks and Bulknews isn't responding. No response from them. Using the same creds I can log into their website.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Proud_Trade2769 on 2024-09-17 21:35:01.

It seems to very hard to find NNTP servers that distribute actual news, without anything to download.

I guess for free.

Are there any left? And are they still useful?

I got tired of web2.0 and ads.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/nzb-get on 2024-09-17 15:30:01.

The v24.3 release of NZBGet introduces disk performance tests and enhances the status page for better system insights. This update allows for more detailed analysis of disk performance and server speed test results, along with key bug fixes to improve system stability. The release also includes several developer-centric improvements and fixes.

Download NZBGet v24.3 Client Here

User Interface and System Enhancements:

Disk Performance Testing (#375):

  • Added a new feature to test disk performance, providing insights into user environment performance and helping to troubleshoot disk-related issues.

Enhanced STATUS Page:

  • The STATUS page now displays WriteBuffer and InterDir disk information, providing more granular control and insights into system performance.
    • Free and total disk space for InterDir is now available in both bytes and MiB.
    • The status API method has been enhanced with 6 new fields:
      • FreeInterDiskSpaceLo: Low 32-bits of free disk space in bytes.
      • FreeInterDiskSpaceHi: High 32-bits of free disk space in bytes.
      • FreeInterDiskSpaceMB: Free disk space in MiB.
      • TotalInterDiskSpaceLo: Low 32-bits of total disk space in bytes.
      • TotalInterDiskSpaceHi: High 32-bits of total disk space in bytes.
      • TotalInterDiskSpaceMB: Total disk space in MiB.

Server Speed Test Improvements:

  • Server speed test results now display in Bits per second (Bits/s) alongside the existing metrics for a clearer understanding of server performance.

Bug Fixes:

Corrupt File Fix (#378):

  • Fixed a critical bug that caused file corruption for downloads exceeding 2.6 GB on all x32 POSIX systems using DirectWrite.

Buffer Overflow Fix (#346):

  • Resolved a potential buffer overflow issue with the getrealpath function that could impact system stability.

Daemon Privilege Fix (#345):

  • Added a safeguard to remove unnecessary privileges when the NZBGet daemon is run as root with an invalid DaemonUsername.

Developer Tools and Improvements:

CLang Debug Build Fix (#338):

  • Fixed an issue with CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG for CLang, which caused incorrect debug builds.

POSIX Unit Test Fix (#376):

  • Resolved failed unit tests on POSIX systems that were built without ncurses support.


We will be opening up a dedicated NZBGet Discord server in the near future. While it is currently used for developer communication, we are nearing the point where everyone will soon be welcome. The goal of this server is to drive conversation around product enhancements and ideas. If you have a feature request or bug to report GitHub is still the preferred channel. More details on this coming soon.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Space_v2 on 2024-09-17 20:51:57.

I just learned about Mylar3 and Komga and need help setting it up? Is there somewhere a usefull guide?

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Skinny_Dan on 2024-09-17 17:49:53.

Can't get SAB to connect. It's been working all morning, but suddenly I get "Authentication failed. Check username/password." I've triple-checked my login info and even changed my password. Still having the issue.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Ryuuzaki_L on 2024-09-17 04:08:19.

I've been a customer for 4 years and have never had any problem, however I noticed today that absolutely everything I try comes up with missing articles. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing similar issues.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Valesthea on 2024-09-16 07:56:17.

Anyone have any success with newsgroupdirect?

When I tried to signup or contact support I got the same error:

CakePHP: the rapid development php framework
An Internal Error Has Occurred

Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred.

Is there a way to contact support without using their contact form as its broken per the above error?

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/DrKoks99 on 2024-09-15 23:09:19.

Hello everyone,

I have recently noticed that the interactive search via sonarr takes a very long time. I thought it was due to my setup. Now I realised that API requests via curl also take a long time.

Here are my results:

/tmp  curl --dns-servers "" -w "@curl-format.txt" -o /dev/null -s https://google.de  ✔  01:05:25

time_namelookup: 0.000735s

time_connect: 0.047234s

time_appconnect: 0.154402s

time_pretransfer: 0.154468s

time_redirect: 0.000000s

time_starttransfer: 0.180521s


time_total: 0.180611s

/tmp  curl --dns-servers "" -w "@curl-format.txt" -o /dev/null -s https://scenenzbs.com/api\?t\=tvsearch\&cat\=5170\&extended\=1\&apikey\=\xxxxxx\&offset\=0\&limit\=100\&tvdbid\=81797\&rid\=8205\&tvmazeid\=1505\&q\=42

time_namelookup: 0.001075s

time_connect: 0.250630s

time_appconnect: 0.464212s

time_pretransfer: 0.464308s

time_redirect: 0.000000s

time_starttransfer: 1.274655s


time_total: 1.604550s

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/AnaliaPopoPrinzessin on 2024-09-15 14:50:13.

I'm on Eweka right now. I know both are Omicron network. I'm asking because on the Usenet map the backbone behind Newshosting looks much bigger than Eweka's. I like mostly German Linux ISO's.

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/ZiPEX00 on 2024-09-15 12:46:46.

Hi Farmers,

It's our birthday this week, Usenet.Farm is turning 9 years old! So we have some awesome discounts for you take advantage of and join in on the festivities of our celebration!

Use coupon code: BDAY2024 with every purchase of at least 6 months or a 3000GB block account and this will give you a MASSIVE 49% discount on your purchase!

Some tips and guides about this sale;

* Payments stack: if you have some time left on your package just add a payment and it will stack!

* Discount is only applied on every purchase made during this sale (no recurring discount).

* This discount will end on the 1st of October 2024.

* If you don't want to buy for 6 months or more, remove the coupon code on the order form and you can select 1 or 2 months (no discount will be applied).

We also want to take this opportunity to thank you for a wonderful 9 years and we trust that you will continue to enjoy the journey we endeavour to continue pushing on to give you, our valued customer, the best service you can come to expect from us.

Thank you for support and enjoy the festivities! 

The Usenet.Farm team!

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/ServedFaithfullyxxx on 2024-09-15 05:38:12.

Where are the folks that used to post in this group in the late 90's? Message me.

genny de termined

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/anondemure on 2024-09-14 18:54:58.

Hi, I'd like to scavenge old (90s, early 00s) usenet adult content.

What is the best provider/search engine in your opinion? Payment is fine, preferred via crypt. Thanks

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/webwude on 2024-09-14 16:40:52.

Just got this offer via mail - you might want to check your mailbox as well...


Best regards


The original post: /r/usenet by /u/mazhan on 2024-09-14 10:42:58.

I wanted to buy a block account from BlockNews but I read that they switched from Omicron to Netnews backbone and it affected their retention. No retention days on their website. But I only want to post with them and will download with another provider with better retention. So my question is: if I post with BlockNews, will my post be available on all providers with different backbones and better retention rates?

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/krodami on 2024-09-12 07:27:01.

I currently use UsenetExpress and HW Media backbones however i am having some trouble finding some articles from several years ago, would I have better luck with another backbone?

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Cavustius on 2024-09-11 16:51:49.

I am looking to improve my ability to find certain linux iso's. I have been using UseNet for around a year and it has been great, I am also in some private trackers but find I get more and better media from UseNet. However there are still things I can't find. Looking through similar problems people are also facing, I am seeing if I can do something better. These are the current providers and nzb indexers I utilize. Providers are all unlimited except NewsDemon is a 1 TB block.



I have lifetime with a few indexers and 1 year vip with others. Is there more/better providers or indexers I should be looking for?


The original post: /r/usenet by /u/buffalo_bill27 on 2024-09-11 01:56:18.

Hey ppls, looking for suggestions and or current specials on a cheap Omicron BB block.

Speed and location are not priority, only retention, price, no expiry and SSL of course.

So if you know a suitable provider, feel free to 'shill me your wares'

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/Scientiat on 2024-09-10 04:24:46.

I'm researching this option to get where torrents can't get me some times, but it's a bit obscure for now. I'm happy to pay if it's a good resource. I'm looking for paid mac software in particular, how's the availability of that type of content?

The original post: /r/usenet by /u/whitepny321654987 on 2024-09-09 17:54:44.

I just signed up today, but I can't connect with the user/password provided. Tried to reach out to support, their ticket system is broken, and their billing phone number go to "no route to destination"

Anyone else having problems?

Their support chat seems to be non-existent.

EDIT: Chat support bubble was hidden behind my ad blocker (Adguard home)

Seems that I had some kind of corruptions in my NZBget config. Tests failed, but standard downloads worked fine.

Chat support was good once I was able to see the chat bubble.

Thundernews really should give their website some love. It's showing blog posts from a decade ago.

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