No Violence, Brigading, Doxxing, etc.
Self-Explanatory. This community will not tolerate any such behavior and will result in a ban.
No Western Chauvinists
Users that post or comment imperialist propaganda will be banned. Criticism of any countries under imperialist aggression will not be tolerated. This community is not a soapbox for you to spread cold war propaganda to manufacture consent against imperialized nations.
No Non-Marxists or Ultras
This community is not a place for idealists or reactionaries. Liberalism will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to; advocacy for electorialism, social democracy, anarchism, etc.
No Racism, Sexism, Ableism, etc.
Oppressive language and conservative social views will not be tolerated in this community and will result in a ban.
No Capitalist or Pig Apologia
Any expressed sympathy towards cops, soldiers, business owners, and landlords will not be tolerated and will result in a ban.
No low effort or off-topic content or questions
Self-Explanatory. This community is not for memes or circlejerking. It is primarily an educational resource to expand your knowledge and combat imperialist propaganda.