
joined 2 years ago
[–] sapient_cogbag 1 points 1 month ago

I feel like we probably need to address the fact that, unfortunately, the rigid fix rules based world views of society are inherently appealing to those on the spectrum.

I really really don't think this is true at all, even though I agree that autistic people can be bigoted/fascistic (just like there are members of any other minority group that can do this). The whole "rules" thing, in my experience as an autistic person, is more a consequence of wanting to know how things are likely to be ahead of time (predictability, rather than valuing of "rules" on the basis of authority imposing them and wanting to submit to some authority - though of course that can also be the case but its not an autism thing and you see it in non-autistic people as well). This is in combination with some people viewing "the rules" as a determination of fairness (which is also common in non autistic people nya).

This can appeal to some people's ideas on ethics if they base them more on external structure rather than their own ideas of ethics. Which frankly seems rarer to me in autistic people than in non autistic people, though its still common.

Not that I'm saying autistic people can't be bigots or fascists and it may well attach itself to some of these other concepts, but I really don't think it appeals to autistic people as a whole more, whatsoever.

Combined with the fact that autistic people are very often treated horrendously by people around them due to arbitrary "social rules" and societal structures that punish people for being outside of the norm, and I think this is more likely to drive people away from supporting any system that is pro conformity (such as fascism). The other autistic people I talk with and am friends with (which is most of my friends xD nya) would suggest this, but of course that's a very biased sample.

Furthermore, a larger proportion of autistic people call themselves lgbtq+. Theres a good chance a lot of this is related to social factors preventing non-autistic people from examining themselves or coming out or similar, but it remains a true effect on whether on not someone considers themselves lgbtq+. And I suspect that that itself acts as a strong push for more autistic people to oppose fascist and other conservative ideologies.

Definitely I used to be a big """rules follower""" when I was younger, but it didn't take me very long to realise that just because following "the rules" made certain things more predictable/cognitively-easy did not mean that the rules themselves or the system behind them was good in an ethical sense. Its made easier when rules hurt you or other people and when you can see the direct similarity between neurotypical social rules (which i often find ridiculous and I can't actually even try-and-fail to smulate without it making me very depressed) and systemic rules.

I think the actual main danger of falling to the fascists for autistic people is similar to how it is for non-autistic people - social isolation and the false acceptance of fascist spaces like much of 4chan, usually layered in enough irony that you can pretend they don't hate autistic people and anyone different from societal norms because they also act like they hate themselves (which they may actually do - this also happens with trans people on certain 4chan boards nya) - often the people getting involved with this hate themselves for being autistic and view themselves as being inferior (or sometimes you get the autistic supremacy people or people who do the "ironic" superiority thing when they actually hate themselves).

This can then of course act to make people "learn" bigotry via social normalisation and unexamined talking points which are often made up and always misleading, combined with the need for going along with it for pseudo-social-acceptance.

Personally I've seen that a lot of autistic people are capable of deconstructing this stuff (if raised with it) when pointed to enough contradictory information, talking to people of different perspectives (as you've experienced yourself), and/or also given acceptance via other groups. Or just finding the internal contradictions all on their own, which I know more than one person who has done that without even needing much external input. But again, I have a biased sample in who I interact with.

[–] sapient_cogbag 3 points 1 month ago

Its not just the gesture, its everything else as well. You know, repeating nazi conspiracy theories about jewish people wanting to eliminate """whiteness""", supporting the AfD, etc.

And I think that yes, he would do that. I mean, look at how many people are sanewashing this and trying to pretend he hasn't even done it. Look at the fact he was cheered on by the people in the crowd while doing it.

America (or at least enough parts of it with political attentiveness and less apathy) is so far right that advocating for what amounts to mass ethnic cleansing/purges (as Trump/GOP has done, and as fascists do) is a completely accepted position by at least 30% of voters. Not to mention the plans to suborn the entire US government into a hyper authoritarian, totalising christian nationalist social-regimentation-enforcer, amongst so many other things I can't even count.

[–] sapient_cogbag 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

He did a nazi salute and supports the fascist party openly advocating for the naked use of state power to subjugate, destroy the life of, or kill millions (as is the logical conclusion of the logistics of finding and deporting millions) of people in nationalist "cleansings" and "purification" against minority groups. He's obsessed with breeding and perpetuates "great replacement" conspiracies. He supports the AfD. He hates and infantilises trans people (not exclusive to nazis but yaknow, they were big on that shit to the point of mass slaughter of us).

Here is a salute comparison. Do not gaslight yourself or the rest of us:

[–] sapient_cogbag 2 points 11 months ago

I just wish we'd get solid, affordable RISC-V already. Especially with the arbitrary-length vector instruction extension, which I find to be a much better design for hardware compatibility than the fixed width extensions in x86 (and ARM too, AFAIK).

[–] sapient_cogbag 18 points 1 year ago

Go fash get financially smashed

[–] sapient_cogbag 16 points 1 year ago (4 children)

That train looks seriously awesome :p

[–] sapient_cogbag 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The catholic church still considers being trans a sin (and hence inferior to being cis).

I wish people would stop whitewashing that organisation, even if this is a tiny amount of progress (no shade on the op, just a general comment on the way conversations around organised religion and the catholic church in general seem to be happening >.<)

[–] sapient_cogbag 2 points 1 year ago
[–] sapient_cogbag 39 points 1 year ago (1 children)

ITT: people advocating eugenics on themselves. I hate it. I hate seeing it. And stuff like this is psychologically destructive to read for me.

If people here don't like others with similar traits to them advocating that their life and perspective is not valuable and that they should hate it and wish no-one new experience it, I recommend avoiding this thread - even moreso if you have suicidal tendencies. It was very upsetting for me ;-;, even though I personally have no intent to have kids.

[–] sapient_cogbag 2 points 1 year ago

I'm not sure they'll succeed in extinguishing linux. But I do get the worry, especially with WSL.

What I am more worried about is them potentially extinguishing git via their control of github. In particular, with their github cli tool and such >.<

[–] sapient_cogbag 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I've always thought of "blob" in yerms of ot being opaque and hard to understand, like a blob of putty with little structure you can dig into to get at it, you just have to take it as one solid barely understandable mass to use it.

Never thought of it as Binary Large OBject ;p

[–] sapient_cogbag 19 points 1 year ago

We shouldn’t get bullied into believing people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t

They can't

Sounds like a challenge for transhumanist tech to solve 😎✊⚧️Ⓐ💻.

(Other people have covered the factual incorrectness here - the short of it is that (1) gender =/= sex and (2) "sex" isnt some monolithic thing but a complex, multi-axis thing itself - most of these axes are changeable to various degrees as well ^.^)


Seems like TWIN's site ( is down - the dns doesn't resolve.

IIRC the author was moving away from neovim and was having some maintainence issues, but I'm curious if anyone else has more info ^.^?


There has recently been a lot of debate on defederation as a tool. In particular, around exploding-heads and lemmygrad. I am somewhat in favour, but I do understand the concerns of fragmentation (I'm not going to entertain the "free speech" people).

I think most people on here - or at least the active commenters, which is a biased sample - don't like the general type of content on those instances and the communities they generate. This means, for instance, most of us probably don't want them appearing in the local and federated feeds.

However, the proposal for users to have to manually block those instances isn't really enough, because it means we all have to do this manually even if most of the instance doesn't want to propagate and elevate the content from these other instances.

What I think would be best is if/when Lemmy improves moderation tools ^.^. In particular, I'd suggest that we should push lemmy or actively develop into lemmy (its open source after all) some way to stop either specific communities or posts from entire instances from appearing in the main feeds, while they are still accessible if specifically linked to or searched for - "silencing". One step above per-user blocking of instances, but still below defederation.

We could also say "members from this instance can comment but not post" or other things to reduce the risk of hostile brigading and organising on this instance while not directly hindering interoperability ^.^

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