You should try to undervolt
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CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
ok first, use hwinfo not hwmonitor. it has an issue of sometimes misreporting with intel
second, if your actually hitting those temps at that power draw than you have a cooling issue. you should be 37-40k depending on settings
in hwinfo see what your power limits are. if pl1 and pl2 or at 253w or over than your for sure having a cooling issue. as your not even hitting 200 watts
do you mean:
PL1 Power Limit (Static)
PL2 Power Limit (Static) ? if so, it says 4,095W
Here is Cinebench score 31k again but with HWInfo this time:
Do you have power limits setup in bios?
i did enable ASUS 90c power limit option in bios, cause without it it was going to 100c and way too hot, i mean its still super hot as if now with 90c..
Thermal throttling while not at full power draw probably due to cpu cooler not mounted properly or not an adequate cpu cooler.