I have a 13600k and while gaming my max multicore boost is around 4.65ghz according to task manager
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CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
The 13 500 is a great CPU for the money if you’re not seeing 4.8 you need to enable TAO boost 2. If your temperatures are good, I used a $54 AIO. 240X snow off Amazon. I could go all the way through Tom Smite, extreme and stay at 4.8 the entire time.
Search: 13500 A770 3d mark. User Mike4dodge
12700kf. $258 on Amazon better then everything u listed.
I got a 12700kf for 215 at Amazon, got it with an used MSI z690 Edge wifi and settled at 5.1ghz it destroys Warzone with my 6950xt red devil that I got from Amazon for 580 Best budget setup