I seriously had a Right-Wing friend of mine try to tell me that
"The Trans needed some pushback because they were simply demanding too much" Card
Which hurt, especially with a "You need to learn to compromise, we're not asking much. It's not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents." Stat Boosting Spell Card he threw down when I pointed out that Trump was ordering people to put M's on Transwomen's documentation
I'd never been more insulted in my life. Bro had no clue he was legitimately saying the modern version of "Look the Government just needs to know your background, wearing that Star of David in public isn't going to get you killed."
Thankfully he was willing to listen when I pointed that goof out to him.... He's still a Right Winger who's now willing to walk back his statements in favor of "Agree to disagree"
I love my friend and I'd stand up if his rights were being violated, I'm just horrified to realize he absolutely will not show me the same decency.