lesbian space witches reproduce through immaculate conception
That actually makes the show sound rad as hell.
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lesbian space witches reproduce through immaculate conception
That actually makes the show sound rad as hell.
it could have been! they killed off all the space witches as soon as they were introduced.
Strong disagree.
It is perfectly possible to make woke content that is excellent , engaging, entertaining, consistent.
However, woke is not a replacement for good story writing, Entertainment, everything else that makes a property good. Woke can be part of a good story, but it cannot be the story.
Arcane is my go to example
Let's get George rr Martin working on a Star wars treatment!
Having thought about it more, I think the issue is not woke content. You can make as much woke content as you like. The issue is the budgets are too big for the audience. Assuming you're going to get the normal audience, plus the woke audience is the big mistake here. If you make niche content, the budget needs to be niche.
The Last of Us is another decent example in my opinion.
that parks and rec sequel got dark!
I'm glad to see ron finally got away from the government.
However, woke is not a replacement for good story writing, Entertainment, everything else that makes a property good. Woke can be part of a good story, but it cannot be the story.
Hollywood strongly disagrees, based on how they seem to handle it most of the time.
As long as they're profitable that's fine. If they're not profitable then they might want to revisit that strategy.
I think we hear screams of they're not supporting our wokeness from the media properties that are very weak, that know they're very weak, and this is the only thing they can talk about to get attention. It's an act of desperation