When NIMBYism clashes with the fact that the UK abuses the world's climate to power it's first world lifestyle, I don't even know what the answer could be.
On one hand, we have destroyed the biodiversity of our own island so should try to save the little that is left and try to regain what we have lost. On the other hand, we are happy to buy and power, air conditioners, fancier larger cars and LLM tech, where the ecological costs are born in other countries.
The solution from a societal point of view is for the UK to consume less and truly factor in the true climate cost onto all products. From an individual human point of view though, how do you sign up to a worse and more expensive lifestyle by choice with the "cost of living crises" and child poverty on the up.
Sorry if waffling, this post is highlighting my own sense of doom and frustration here...