This thread is great for getting ideas on how to get some content in the community I have.
New Communities
A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.
The rules for behavior are a straight carry over of Mastodon.World's rules. You can click the link but we've reposted them here in brief, as a guideline. We will continue to use the Mastodon.World rules as the master list. Over all, be nice to each other and remember this isn't a community built around debate. For the rules about formatting your posts, scroll down to number 2.
1. Follow the rules of, which can be found here.
A. Provide an inclusive and supportive environment. This means if it isn't rulebreaking and we can't be supportive to them then we probably shouldn't engage.
B. No illegal content.
C. Use content warnings where appropriate. This means mark your submissions NSFW if need be.
D. No uncivil behavior. This includes, but is not limited to: Name Calling; Bullying; Trolling; Disruptive Commenting; or Personal Criticisms.
E. No Harrassment. As an example in relation to Transgender people this includes, deadnaming, misgendering, and promotion of conversion therapy. Similarly Misogyny, Misandry, and Racism are also banned here.
2. Include a community title and description in your post title. - A following example of this would be New Communities - A place to post new communities all over Lemmy for discovery and promotion.
3. Follow the formatting. - The formatting as included below is important for people getting universal links across Lemmy as easily as possible.
Please include this following format in your post:
[link text](/c/[email protected])
This provides a link that should work across instances, but in some cases it won't
You should also include either:
Q: Why do I get a 404?
A: At least one user in an instance needs to search for a community before it gets fetched. Searching for the community will bring it into the instance and it will fetch a few of the most recent posts without comments. If a user is subscribed to a community, then all of the future posts and interactions are now in-sync.
Q: When I try to create a post, the circle just spins forever. Why is that?
A: This is a current known issue with large communities. Sometimes it does get posted, but just continues spinning, but sometimes it doesn't get posted and continues spinning. If it doesn't actually get posted, the best thing to do is try later. However, only some people seem to be having this problem at the moment.
Image Attribution:
Fahmi, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons>>
Tip for those creating new communities: don't slam your fresh community with loads of new posts all at once. Pace yourselves. Create 2 or 3 new posts initially. Then over the next day pop a new post every few hours.
The net result is the same (content!), but you greatly reduce the risk of people blocking your community. I look a lot in local, sorting by new. And when my feed is deluged by posts for the same brand new community, I tend to block that community because it's smells like spam. And I'm probably not alone in doing this.
Good advice indeed
I understand the desire to automate this sort of thing and I can understand the utility at first but I think we should absolutely be afraid of that in long term use. Instead I think people should use the built in cross posting function to link conversations from different communities. I think this is a great way to build slow diffusion of communities into the fediverse.
See my post here for an example:
Yeah, automatic posts drive me away faster than anything. Good point on cross posting though, I just followed your advice. It's pretty much free if your post fits in multiple places and there are lots of nearly empty communities right now.
I joined the Glasgow community. I'm the only subscriber there!
Promote it on UK server and to people from Glasgow
so true : when i tried mastodon, the first feature i enjoyed was the local feed : it just give you the feeling you don't go to an empty place
Been trying to get Japanese Metal started and got in touch with some mods from other communities regarding crosslinking in the sidebar, which some of them did (some didn't even reply).
Apart from that, I've been posting stuff from time to time, but only once has someone else made a posting. I don't feel a call to action would help a lot. Even though the number of subscribers has gone up, the community is more or less inactive, except for when I post something myself, but seeing all the content there coming from the mod isn't very encouraging.
Maybe Lemmy still has too small a user base, or the community's visibility is bad -- which wouldn't surprise me, with Beehaw still defederated and having issues all the time.
I don't want to advertise in other communities, either. Even though it'd not be actual "headhunting", I feel it's bad manners.
Any idea what else I could try?
I started and I'm trying to post multiple times a week, but it's difficult sort of throwing things into the void. Plus, I only have two dogs!
That is true.
I've created a new community /c/housing_bubble_2. How do I get it featured on newcommunities?
Just create a post about it
If you mean about getting it featured on LW, you should ask that to admins
Crossposting is also a good way to start. For example there is community like [email protected] or [email protected] that focus on specific part of France. They have almost no original content but someone interested on Lyon's local story may not be subscribe to all the community about tourist, politic, urbanism, activism, fun stories and so on that publish stories about this place.
Worth mentioning that if you have put in the work to have lots of posts, it might still show as very few, maybe 0–1 posts to people if they are viewing the community from another instance. Posts from other instances do not federate over to yours unless someone on your instance subscribed to it. And if all the users subscribing on your instance unsubscribe, then you will not get any more posts from it federating over until someone subscribes again. So a community that follows this advice can appear as if they did not put in the work when they really did. To get around this problem, view the community from the instance it is hosted on (e.g. view [email protected]
on, not through[email protected]
How do you create a community? I dont even have the option.
Press on the Hamburger menu > Create Community I think is the way.
For some reason the lemmy instance I chose disabled it so I have had to abandon and go somewhere else. Stupid.
Thanks. I'll try to kickstart mine once I have some free time.