Just think how bigger it would be if they didn't block over 170 countries from buying it.
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Fuck those third world countries.
Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea? Fuck those commies (except China apparently).
The whole continent of Africa? Fuck them (except South Africa because reason).
British and US minor territories? Fuck them too.
Middle East? Fuck them (except the rich ones).
-- Sony probably
I wonder how good the sales for a day 1 release would be. Only one we've seen it done for is Helldivers 2, so curious as to whether a single player game that wasn't delayed would have big success too.
I think it would be massive, assuming the game is good and they don't require psn or hostile anti cheat or denuvo. But that's a pipe dream.
Past single player games from Sony eventually came to GOG. I wonder if GoT will be left out because of the PSN coop.