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It wouldn't be so bad if they would accept an apology or allow for people to have done bad things in the past and learn from them and then cease to do them in the future.
The problem is is that even when people go, "Oh, hey, I have made a mistake. I will apologize for that and then rectify my behavior", you still have people crawling out of the woodworks to dunk on them and get their Clout points for dragging them for making a mistake.
By the time a few years has passed and the person has been recognized as having actually changed their ways and not making that mistake anymore, their time in the limelight has faded and their people will no longer follow them, because they have found somebody new who seems to be perfect right now to congregate with instead.
The Right, as a whole, are a terrible group of people with virtually no redeeming qualities at all.
If you are right wing, I will not mourn your death.
But the one thing the right has that the left does not is the ability to stick with somebody even when they have flaws.
No matter how wonderful and powerful you as an individual are, you'll never win out against the group.
Yeah I think saying things like "If you are right wing, I will not mourn your death" or mocking that Trump supporter that was hit by the bullet intended for Trump might also be part of the far left issues.
It's easy to demonize someone who you don't even see as human.
Not a fan of that behavior.
If you don't like hearing things like that, don't be right-wing.
Sure, you can say that you personally don't support the terrible things that the right wing is doing, but then if you vote right wing, you are supporting them and therefore you are culpable for their crimes.
Come up with a different party or something.
This is not the vibe buddy