this post was submitted on 19 Jan 2025
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I'm guessing this happened after Yen said that he'd stop propagating his personal political views via Proton's official accounts? It seems to be a copy-and-paste of what he posted on Reddit.
While I chose Proton over Mulvad given the benefits of port forwarding for torrenting, even port forwarding isn't worth funding the propagation of far-right propaganda.
People can argue all they want in favor of him just supporting whichever party passes pro-privacy legislation (won't be the republicans; makes me wonder if Yen supports state PornHub bans out of the financial interest of boosting VPN sales...), but ignoring social issues in the process makes his 'neutrality' reminiscent of opportunistic nazi sympathizers in Switzerland during World War II...
An alternative to using a VPN as your "privacy shield" could be the I2P network
I don't torrent so this may not be ideal.
Very few torrents make use of I2P as far as I know, given that people have to specifically enable it when using a torrent client such as qBittorrent.