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Fellas, is it feminine to bring water home?
Yall are so quick to label people, putting them in neat little boxes, and declaring them queer if they dont conform to your ideas of gender roles.
Tell me, if it wasn't notable—i.e. odd—i.e. Queer for a 'man' to be carrying water how the heck could 'a man carrying water' be enough identification for Jesus' disciples to identify to correct person to lead them to the correct house.
If as you imply anyone would be carrying water what kept them from walking up to the wrong dude doing it and getting betrayed to the Romans (before it was time time to be betrayed by the Romans)?
Would not further the person with ties to Jesus being Queer fit in perfectly with the ministry of someone who pointedly associated with social outgroups such as sex workers, Samaritans, and tax collectors?
So would a single man die of thirst?
Sure, Id buy that there were gender roles in 20ad, but carrying a jug of water? Everyone gets thirsty.