Thousands(>40K!) of spiritual video-selfie testimonies 🙌showing that Jesus LIVES

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Search "spirituality testimony" on youtube and, sure enough, you'll find countless people testifying in a video selfy of how they were saved from deceptive spirits🙌

This community is dedicated to the experiences of all those people.

This archive links to videos going al the way back to 2006 when youtube started. i use a script to retrieve these video's. The list is updated hourly.

Be amazed✨

Here are some topic searches through this community:

You can try the youtube searches which i use, yourself (notice how in most searches i'm deliberately not mentioning Jesus):

All video's from above search results will be added to this community when they contain at least:

(i'm trying to manually delete those automatic posts which actually aren't personal testimonies)

founded 1 year ago

19 May 2024 In this powerful testimony, Joan shares her journey from skepticism to faith, detailing how she encountered God in the midst of severe illness and doubt. Despite trying to disprove Christianity, Joan experienced a profound transformation after realizing the truth of Yeshua (Jesus) as the Jewish Messiah. Facing 75 debilitating conditions and endometrial cancer, Joan ultimately found healing through prayer and repentance. Today, she passionately educates others about Israel and her faith, remaining deeply rooted in her Jewish heritage while embracing Yeshua as her Messiah. Joan's story is a testament to the healing power of God and the transformative impact of encountering His truth. Watch to discover her inspiring journey!


I was about to Mutilate myself until this...Joshua McParland's Testimony #jesus #jesuschrist #jesussaves #testimony

Find out how Joshua went from almost transitioning completely to a female to having a radical encounter with Jesus. Nothing will stop the Love of Jesus!

Joshua's info:

Email me your miracle at [email protected]


I am thrilled to announce that the latest episode of the Graceful Warrior Podcast is now available for your listening pleasure!

In this special installment, I had the honor of hosting Dr. Karen Liddell as an incredible guest whose story is sure to inspire and captivate my listeners.

Episode Highlights:

Deep dives into our guest's journey and the lessons learned along the way.

Candid conversations about overcoming challenges and embracing personal growth.

A special Q&A segment where our guest answers questions.

I invite you to tune in and join me on this enlightening adventure. You can listen to the episode on all major podcast platforms or directly on my website.

Don’t forget to subscribe, like, or follow for more inspiring content, and share this episode with friends and family who might enjoy it as well.

Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I enjoyed recording and creating it.

I am your Host, Monica, and every Wednesday, I release a brand new episode bringing you topics of encouragement through the Word, that help us walk with God in Grace and Grit. I hope I have encouraged you or given you a new perspective. If you enjoyed this episode, please like, follow, or hit the subscribe button and share with friends.

Don't forget! Friday's on Coffee Break with God. We have guests from around the world come to share their testimonies, trials, and triumphs to inspire us to keep lacing up our combat boots in grit and grace as they share their stories.

Exclusive Content:

For Exclusive content like getting a shout-out on the podcast or your website mentioned on the show, Notice of Pre-launch Book deals, head to my The Graceful Warrior website (https://the-graceful-warrior.captivat...) page, and subscribe! Be sure to tell all your Church friends and family that the show is available to listen to right here!

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Email us - [email protected] for questions, and topics, or perhaps you would like to be a guest on the show.

My Favorite Scripture- "Fear not- For I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name~ You are Mine." Isaiah 43:1


11 May 2024 #jesus #jesussaves #god Hindu Man Dies and Sees Hell & Then the God of Heaven - One of John Burke's Testimonies in his book #jesus #jesussaves #god #heaven #hell #angels #holyspirit #afterlife #afterdeath

John Burke is a New York Times bestselling author who shares with us stories from his new book - Imagine the God of Heaven, which has been endorsed by Lee Strobel, Carey Nieuwhof, as well as medical doctors.
John is a former agnostic engineer who began his investigative journey into near-death experiences (NDEs) when his own father was dying from cancer. After reading a book of NDE accounts in his father’s hospital room, John began to ask himself – could this be real evidence – actual proof – of God? Over the last 30 years, John has studied the commonalities of more than 1000 NDE experiences worldwide and is one of the foremost experts on the topic. He is the New York Times bestselling author of the book Imagine Heaven, which has sold more than 1 million copies. He is also a pastor and founder of Gateway Church based in Austin, Texas.

John's new book:


1/5 of my testimony.


Other video upload of 3 months ago:

The video of 3 months ago was uploaded and then invisible. But since this current video was uploaded, also the previous video became visible?


Hi everyone! I am Nyla the Host of the Daughter of Zion podcast and I and I am truly excited to start this channel. This was quite a Journey to Christ. I am only 18 years old but have learned so much throughout my young years. While it wasn't easy to include my testimony into one video, I added just enough to get the story across. As we move forward I want to go deeper in to the spiritual side of witchcraft and truly exposing satan how he deceives the world. This was really just scratching the surface of what I went through.

Glory to God!!

Time Cards

Home Situation Daddy Issues Idol of Lust Ex Boyfriend Witchcraft/New Age

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12,009 views Apr 20, 2024 #jesus #hell #heaven Muslim has NDE to Hell and is Shocked when Jesus Saves Him - Amer's Testimony #jesus #hell #heaven #nde #angels #demons #dreams #testimony

Amer was raised in a strong Muslim faith. He had an encounter with Jesus when he was 12. He never forgot this experience, yet never waivered from his religion. One night in 2020 Amer had a near death experience. He was horrified when he was traveling down a dark abyss and knew he was heading to Hell. His guardian angel spoke a powerful message to him that would change his life and his eternity. You don't want to miss Amer's testimony!

Email me your miracle at [email protected]


Christian Channel


A testimony ⬆️, reall story of Iranian man

“Iranian Ex-Muslim ESCAPES Islamic Law & Discovers the SHOCKING Truth About Jesus | TBN Israel”.


cross-posted from:

Our very first VLOG on the ForJesus Journey.

The brand mission of ForJesus:

Make Jesus known, glorify him and win souls for him through high quality clothing and a community with all-in-for-Jesus Christians.

We would love to walk the faith-journey with you.

For Jesus, Miro & Lucia


Sam reviews testimony from Christian evangelist Joshua Zatkoff, who took psychedelics and had an encounter with the demonic.

Sam's Channel:

Original Testimony Video:


High Ranking Occultist Encounters Jesus During Satanic Ritual!

An extremely powerful testimony about going from Wicca, to voodoo, to Satanism, to luciferianism, she kept increasing in rank in the kingdom of darkness. She was sent on assignments by Satan himself and demons to destroy the church from within! To being recklessly pursued by God in the middle of a Satanist ritual. To being born again and giving her whole life to Christ in a powerful event. My guest will be sharing her testimony and answering questions such as, what’s the difference between the different types of witchcraft , satanic ritual ab***ions is it true?, what believers were doing or not doing that made it easy for her to get into the church, and so much more🔥You’re not going to want to miss out on this one!

Contact Carrie: [email protected] Donate to her ministry: Venmo- CChristian8

This video is about: High Level Occultist Goes From Wicca Voodoo Satanism to Encountering Jesus During Satanic Ritual!,the spirit of glory,from voodoo to jesus,from satanism witchcraft and voodoo to jesus: one powerful miracle changed her life forever,High Level Occultist Goes From Wicca Voodoo & Satanism to Encountering Jesus During Satanic Ritual!,ex satanist and witch tells all,ex satanist and high ranking witch encounters jesus,High Ranking Occultist Encounters Jesus During Satanic Ritual!


Bro Ish, a young convert to Christianity from Sunni Islam, shares his testimony of how he came to faith in Christ. He was from a devout Sunni Muslim family and he often wondered why only Christians have a divine encounter with God but not Muslims. To get rid of his addictions and health issues he started praying both to the Father and Allah and he encountered the Holy Spirit. It changed his life, freed him from all addictions and healed him. He now preaches the Gospel to Muslims

#speakerscorner #islam #christianity


19 Feb 2024 Alyssa Weston SOCIALS

Instagram @beloved_fitness

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The new Official Music Video for my new song "TANGO" is available now!

• Ashlee Keyton - Tango (Official Music...

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19 Feb 2024 Almost False Podcast Michaela Nikolaenko tells her life story and explains her bizarre supernatural encounters with aliens and demons. She explains how the New Age movement deceived her, and how she finally understood the true source of New Age spirituality. #alienencounter #newage #aliens

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Timestamps 0:00 - Trailer 1:06 - Stripper and Sugar Baby 10:53 - New-Age and Sex Magic 26:18 - Supernatural Encounters 53:01 - Accepting Jesus 1:04:14 - Life Lessons

DISCLAIMER: Almost False is a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of people who might not have the platform to do so. We do our best to ensure that the stories being told on the podcast are true but it is ultimately your responsibility to judge whether or not that is the case. Any views or opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Almost False Podcast. Some of the stories presented might be graphic or contain adult content. Viewers' discretion is advised.



Jesus Christ destroyed the barrier of sin between God and mankind at the cross so we can have peace with Him and have assurance we’ll make it to heaven.

WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? The Bible (God's only trustworthy Word for the human race) tells us: All of us were born with an unrighteous sinful nature. We inherited it spiritually from Adam and Eve, the first two created people, because of their disobedience to God by giving into the devil's deceiving temptation. Why would the devil do such a thing anyway? Because he hates God! The devil wants no one enjoying intimate, joyous relationship with God. He once had it yet lost it, and now wants no one else having it either.

God is so holy – so righteous – so pure … that He cannot and will not allow unrighteous sinners to remain with Him in heaven. But God had a plan to undo what Satan did to the human race. Jesus Christ IS the plan! Jesus came to earth to ransom you and everyone else for Himself, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit. He took full punishment for your sins against God and the sins of everyone else on the cross so our sins no longer would keep us separated from God. Furthermore, He traded His righteousness for our unrighteousness through His death, burial and resurrection! (See: 2 Corinthians 5:21. It is ONLY God’s IMPUTED righteousness that makes us acceptable to Him – that is FREELY given to us who make Jesus our Savior and Lord.

Imagine being in a courtroom, and the Judge has just sentenced you to death. Also imagine Jesus Christ being your lawyer. Jesus Christ says to the Judge (or in other words, God the heavenly Father): "Your Honor, I want to serve my client's sentence and pay the price for his/her wrong-doing by dying instead so my client can go free." Can you imagine someone doing such a thing for you?! JESUS DID IT!

Of course you may be thinking at that moment: I haven't done anything to be sentenced to die! I'm being falsely accused! "What have I supposedly DONE, God?!" Here's your answer: God gave 10 commandments for people to keep in the Old Testament Bible. Anyone who breaks just one of those commandments must be punished for breaking them against God. Where does it say THAT?! It says that in Romans 6:23: For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Have you ever lied? Lied just one time? Everyone of us has lied at least once. Number 9 of the 10 commandments says: Thou shalt not lie (bear false witness). You know what that makes us? A disobedient sinning liar against God and His moral law - His 10 commandments. (Revelation 21:8 also tells us what God thinks of lying).

You just read above what God says about our disobedient sinning against Him by breaking just ONE of His moral laws: God’s punishment for doing so is DEATH. Spiritual death. Ultimately total separation from God and agonizingly suffering for our sins against Him for all eternity -- totally void of any love, peace, hope, joy or forgiveness from God ever again (otherwise known as hell). BUT HERE IS GOD'S BEST NEWS! We can receive forgiveness for all our unrighteous, disobedience (sins) against God and our sins against others RIGHT NOW and have certainty RIGHT NOW that on the Judgment Day, our sins WON'T be held against us! HOW CAN THAT BE?! By asking Jesus Christ to forgive us for our sins and trusting that He HAS forgiven us of them simply by our asking and trusting! Jesus will do it!

1 John 1:8-9 says: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Thus if we make Jesus our personal Lord and Savior - every time we sin - we have every right to ask Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sin(s) - cleanse us as though we never sinned - so that when our heart stops beating, we can be assured that we won't have to suffer eternal damnation for our sins.

Jesus Christ did what no other human being has ever done or ever could do. He was the ONLY person on this planet who has never sinned. And because He never sinned, He is the only acceptable sacrifice God the Father would accept to pay ransom payment for each of OUR sins. That is simply AMAZING, isn't it?! Yet JESUS DID IT!

WHY? Because of God’s LOVE and MERCY for lost souls like you and I who will reach out in humility and demonstrate appreciation for His FREE GIFT of forgiveness (pardon) so we can have friendship and intimacy with Him starting now ... and lasting for ETERNITY! This life is your starting point with your loving Creator that will last for eternity. Ask Jesus for His FREE GIFT of forgiveness TODAY. Ask Him to live inside you. He WANTS to!

(Please make copies of this Gospel Message and distribute them in YOUR area. Please post the above JESUS DID IT! Gospel Truths EVERYWHERE to help share the Good News of Jesus Christ).


15 Nov 2021 How Jesus Saved Me Out of the Occult & the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn - New Age to Jesus

In this video I share a short(ish) overview of what God has done in my life and how He has called me out of the darkness and brought me into His marvelous light. I hope to go more in depth on these topics in future videos, Lord willing. For now, I hope this video blesses you and points you to Christ the Savior.

If you have any questions or would like to reach out, please contact me at

SANCTIFICATION: “Progressive sanctification is what gradually separates the people of God from the world and makes them more and more like Jesus Christ.” More Info:

Contact me: [email protected]


Rosario Butterfield gives a powerful testimony and warning to the church today.

Hi, My name is Daniel and welcome to my channel! 🙂

I'm a husband, lead pastor, church planter, content creator, and passionate about health & fitness. The vision for this channel is to inspire and encourage Christians in the divine truth of God's Word for His glory. I create short and long-form content highlighting theologically sound Bible teachers, addressing cultural issues, and identifying false teachings.

I post new content every single day, investing hours to create valuable free material for you. Consider subscribing to this channel and watching my videos until the end to get the truth of God out there to more people.

If you feel led to support this ministry, here are two ways: Patreon: Paypal:

🙏 Trinitarian devotional (Free guide)

📖 Biblical evidence for the Trinity (Free guide)

To Jesus alone be the glory.

#gospel #christianmotivation #jesuschrist #holyspirit


I was a Chicago Gang Member and went to Hell after being Shot Twice - Dominic's Testimony #hell #supernatural #vision #danteinferno #demons #spiritual #testimony #lakeoffire #jesus #heaven

Dominic grew up on the streets of Chicago where he was shown the ways of the world. However he was betrayed by his gang family and ended being shot twice. He found himself at the gates of Hell. Jesus had mercy on him and brought him out. He explains what he felt and saw in this horrific place and offers us a way of escape. He is passionate about getting right with the Lord and presents a Time Challenge we should all accept!

Dominic's information: Amazon Join my Google Meet group video call: [email protected]

Email me your miracle at [email protected]


So I’ve been feeling called to share of my testimony about how I got into the new age and the occult and how I was brought out of it and what to expect when you come out. I pray this video can find whoever may need to hear it. (I’m sorry my dryer was running in the beginning! It stops a few minutes in… I didn’t even realize 🤦🏻‍♀️) In this video I talk about how I was drawn to spirituality and some the rituals and things I did and believed, as well as how the Holy Spirit convicted me and revealed the truth to me. I could talk for hours and hours about all the different rabbit holes of spirituality I went down but this is just an overview, I guess. Be blessed 💖


David has an amazing life story of how he risked his life smuggling bibles into The Soviet Union...

Our mission at Yeshua Testimonies is to save souls and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.

Get in touch - [email protected]

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