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read braiding sweetgrass, lib

    _         ___
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Let it grow ^.^

  .-/  \-. If I had a flower
 (  \__/  ) for each time 
/`-./;;\.-`\ I thought
\ _.\;;/._ /  
 (  /  \  ) of communism           
 ,    \\ (-. ) my garden 
 |\_   ||/.-`would be full  
 \'.\_ |;` 
  '--,\||     ,
      `;|   _/|              
       // _/.'/ 

founded 4 years ago
Yes (
submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here's the basic design:

2 tomatoes, 2 cape gooseberry, 2 ghost pepper

My first attempt at outdoor hydroponics

The tomato plants are an eldritch horror

but growing some lovely fruit

Cape gooseberries have some flowers but I don't think they usually bloom until later in the year. The ghost peppers have been drowned out by the obnoxiously large tomatoes, I don't expect any peppers from them I'm afraid.

So far I'd say my first attempt has been a modest success.

EDIT: Here's an earlier pic showing the plumbing:


i'm taking nettle seeds home to spain from finland. been making food and string out of them while i'm here at my partner's. mostly using the seeds for food rather than the leaves, so far. though maybe some nettle soup would be nice before we go.

they do in theory grow natively in spain, but i haven't been able to find any where i live so seeds it is.

i do hope that no overzealous airport staff think it's weed.


Just doing a walkabout and looks like Mr slug has gone to town additionally a lot of the first blooms are looking a bit ropey. Am I ok to do a decent dead head and prune Based in uk

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

10 pounds in total I'm guessing. Biggest haul in 3 years.

Log inoculation using sawdust spawn


Seriously, I am tired of the stereotypes of leftists in the west looking like they all grow soy beans, as the fash call it ie weak as fuck. And almost to a large degree, it’s true.

I see chuds everywhere when I go to the community garden, and their plants are fucking huge ngl. They take care of their tomatoes. I don't care if you're growing potatoes, cucumbers, squash, artichokes, you have to have those fruits and leaves fucking huge and shooting to the sky and looking good. You want to help the cause? Help yourself. Do it for vanity, do it for others, do it for the greater good, I don’t care. Fucking weed and fertilize the best you can and get those veggies the biggest they can be.

It’s hard, but so is literally everything. Just know this is going to take 3-4 years of consistency. If you’re starting out, don’t worry about a garden layout, and just plant good shit. Your biggest goal at this point is consistency, watering 5 days a week. Do that over 3-4 years, and progressive growth every single day whether that be lettuce or whatever.

I want you fuckers to be fucking vain jesus fuck. Fuck your organics, use Miracle Grow for all I care, but have a green thumb while doing it. Slowly start doing more functional things such as eggplant or mushrooms w/e to truly maximise your gardening potential.


That's it, that's the post.


I set up this rain barrel right next to a slope where water pools at the bottom. I would like a flat place to fill my watering can but also to help slow the flow of water into the ground when it overflows. Any design ideas?

photo of rain barrel

Caption this. (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In the original the text is the bland "He was so pleased with the garden that season."


I'm growing the seeds from last year, although only 1 has survived my attempts to keep them alive.


fucked up again this year and didn't support my tomatoes fully because i figured the stems were thick enough

rainy season hits and two of my biggest plants snapped in half because they were too top heavy lol, lost like half my first batch. is there any coming back from this or are things joever for me this season?


So my dad has a cellar that is completely empty. We just store some plants there during the winter months. Now, I had an idea. In theory, I could plant around 100 mushrooms down there, right? There is a little bit of light coming in through a small window. Climate-wise, we are in Central Europe.

Is there anything I should know or be aware of? Are there any mushroom types that are beginner-friendly? I would plant them for personal consumption, for me and my relatives.

Bad Idea ? Good Idea ?


The shishitos are getting freaky.



One neighbour LOVES bees and the other neighbour HATES them - WHO DO YOU SUPPORT


I was shopping for a new scythe blade when I found this beautiful and incredibly long competition scythe blades.

In the video, they seem to be judged not just on time but also on how well the area is mowed. I find this fascinating.


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