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Benvenuto nella instanza Lemmy NicFab Community!
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Questo è uno spazio comune per progetti e utenti interessati alla privacy, alla protezione dei dati, alla cybersecurity e alle soluzioni innovative.

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founded 2 years ago

The EDPS published two Opinions: one on the proposal for a Regulation on a Financial Data Access Framework and one on the proposal for a Regulation and Directive on payment services in the EU’s internal market. Both proposals aim to foster the sharing of data to broaden the offer of financial services and products, whilst providing individuals or organisations control over the processing of their financial data.

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L’intelligenza artificiale (IA) continua a trovare successo in una vasta gamma di settori, questo trionfo è direttamente collegato alla necessità imperativa di garantirne la sicurezza. L’Adversarial Machine Learning (ML) è un insieme di tecniche che gli avversari utilizzano per attaccare i sistemi di apprendimento automatico. Conoscere questa disciplina è fondamentale per comprendere e valutare i potenziali rischi a cui i sistemi di IA sono sottoposti da azioni avverse di attaccanti malintenzionati.

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On 21 June 2023, following an inquiry concerning a complaint received against Airbnb Ireland UC (Airbnb), the Data Protection Commission (DPC) adopted a decision.

The DPC commenced this inquiry on 4 March 2022, on foot of a complaint that Airbnb had unlawfully requested a copy of the complainant’s ID (ID) in order to verify their identity which had not been previously requested by Airbnb. The complainant further contended that this went against the principles of data minimisation and that Airbnb had also failed to comply with the principles of transparency and provision of information. Initial attempts by the complainant to verify their identity had been rejected by Airbnb as the ID provided did not meet their criteria. Ultimately the complainant verified their identity.

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The Indian President Droupadi Murmu on Friday granted assent to the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill (DPDPB) after it was unanimously passed by both houses of the parliament last week, marking a significant step towards securing people's information.

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Questo articolo è la continuazione, come seconda parte, di quello quello già pubblicato dal titolo “Le Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs): categoria sempre attuale parte 1”.

In questo contributo, intendiamo evidenziare alcuni aspetti operativi e pratici relativi alle PET, fornendo una nostra descrizione di quelle che riteniamo essere attualmente le principali soluzioni.

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This article is a continuation, as a second part, of the one already published entitled “Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs): an ever-present category part 1.

This contribution highlights some operational and practical aspects of PETs, describing what we believe are currently the leading solutions.

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Leaders from the AI research world appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss and answer questions about the nascent technology. Their broadly unanimous opinions generally fell into two categories: we need to act soon, but with a light touch — risking AI abuse if we don’t move forward, or a hamstrung industry if we rush it.

The panel of experts at today’s hearing included Anthropic co-founder Dario Amodei, UC Berkeley’s Stuart Russell and longtime AI researcher Yoshua Bengio.

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Among the great challenges posed to democracy today is the use of technology, data, and automated systems in ways that threaten the rights of the American public. Too often, these tools are used to limit our opportunities and prevent our access to critical resources or services. These problems are well documented. In America and around the world, systems supposed to help with patient care have proven unsafe, ineffective, or biased. Algorithms used in hiring and credit decisions have been found to reflect and reproduce existing unwanted inequities or embed new harmful bias and discrimination. Unchecked social media data collection has been used to threaten people’s opportunities, undermine their privacy, or pervasively track their activity—often without their knowledge or consent.

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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

he Council has today approved the regulation to strengthen Europe's semiconductor ecosystem, better known as the 'Chips Act'. This is the last step in the decision-making procedure.

The Chips Act aims to create the conditions for the development of a European industrial base in the field of semiconductors, attract investment, promote research and innovation and prepare Europe for any future chip supply crisis. The programme should mobilise €43 billion in public and private investment (€3.3 billion from the EU budget), with the objective of doubling the EU’s global market share in semiconductors, from 10% now to at least 20% by 2030.

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PETs, an acronym for the phrase “Privacy Enhancing Technologies,” constitute a phenomenon that is not new and dates back to the mid-1990s.

In fact, in 1995 the title of a groundbreaking report commissioned by the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, Canada, and the Dutch Data Protection Authority1 contained the phrase “Privacy-enhancing technologies: the path to anonymity.”

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Le PET, acronimo dell’espressione “Privacy Enhancing Technologies” (Tecnologie di potenziamento della privacy), costituiscono un fenomeno che non è nuovo e risale a metà degli anni ‘90.

Difatti, nel 1995 il titolo di un innovativo rapporto commissionato dal Commissario per l’informazione e la privacy dell’Ontario, in Canada, e dall’Autorità olandese per la protezione dei dati1 conteneva la frase “Privacy-enhancing technologies: the path to anonymity” (Tecnologie per la tutela della privacy: il percorso verso l’anonimato).

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The draft regulation introduces mandatory cybersecurity requirements for the design, development, production and making available on the market of hardware and software products to avoid overlapping requirements stemming from different pieces of legislation in EU member states.

The proposed regulation will apply to all products that are connected either directly or indirectly to another device or network. There are some exceptions for products, for which cybersecurity requirements are already set out in existing EU rules, for example on medical devices, aviation, or cars.

The proposal aims to fill the gaps, clarify the links, and make the existing cybersecurity legislation more coherent by ensuring that products with digital components, for example ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) products, become secure throughout the whole supply chain and throughout their whole lifecycle.

Finally, the proposed regulation also allows consumers to take cybersecurity into account when selecting and using products that contain digital elements by providing users the opportunity to make informed choices of hardware and software products with the proper cybersecurity features.

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Cos’è Nym?

Nym è un complesso progetto realizzato dalla società svizzera NYM Technologies SA che si basa su una blockchain al fine di realizzare una rete per la navigazione anonima, utilizzabile anche per garantire la non identificabilità di dati e metadati alle app che consentano di indirizzare il traffico sulla rete Nym Mixnet.

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What is Nym?

Nym is a complex project carried out by the Swiss company NYM Technologies SA that is based on a blockchain to build a network for anonymous browsing, which can also be used to ensure non-identifiability of data and metadata to apps that allow traffic to be routed on the Nym Mixnet.

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Voluntary commitments – underscoring safety, security, and trust – mark a critical step toward developing responsible AI

Biden-Harris Administration will continue to take decisive action by developing an Executive Order and pursuing bipartisan legislation to keep Americans safe

Since taking office, President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire Biden-Harris Administration have moved with urgency to seize the tremendous promise and manage the risks posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and to protect Americans’ rights and safety. As part of this commitment, President Biden is convening seven leading AI companies at the White House today – Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI – to announce that the Biden-Harris Administration has secured voluntary commitments from these companies to help move toward safe, secure, and transparent development of AI technology.

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Information note on data transfers under the GDPR to the United States after the adoption of the adequacy decision on 10 July 2023

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In this issue, catch up on the EDPS' organisational changes, the Supervisor's visit to Japan for his participation in the G7 roundtable of data protection and privacy authorities, our latest Supervisory Opinions and audits, and find out how you can put data protection into practice.

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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has endorsed creating a UN agency to deal with AI threats ranging from how AI might be used in weapons of mass destruction to AI's role in spreading conspiracy theories.

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António Guterres said that if AI became primarily a weapon to launch cyberattacks, generate deepfakes, or for spreading disinformation and hate speech, it would have very serious consequences for global peace and security.

“Look no further than social media. Tools and platforms that were designed to enhance human connection are now used to undermine elections, spread conspiracy theories, and incite hatred and violence,” he said.

“Malfunctioning AI systems are another huge area of concern. And the interaction between AI and nuclear weapons, biotechnology, neurotechnology, and robotics, is deeply alarming.”

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Huawei e Parole O_Stili hanno annunciato i dati del rapporto “SmartBus – La percezione dei rischi e delle opportunità della rete in Italia”, condivisi anche durante un evento che si è svolto presso la Sala “Caduti di Nassirya” di Palazzo Madama a Roma, e che ha visto la presenza, tra gli altri, dell’On. Paola Frassinetti, Sottosegretaria di Stato al Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito, e di Daniela Sbrollini, Senatrice della Repubblica Italiana. Il rapporto è stato realizzato sulla base dell’esperienza del progetto congiunto “SmartBus: Cybersicuri a Bordo” che, tra febbraio e maggio di quest’anno, ha portato in giro per l’Italia un’aula interattiva mobile nella quale circa 4.500 studenti e studentesse di 206 scuole secondarie di primo grado, e circa 600 cittadini delle regioni Piemonte, Lombardia, Toscana, Lazio e Campania, hanno potuto accrescere la propria consapevolezza sulle minacce e le opportunità legate all’utilizzo di Internet e delle applicazioni, confrontandosi con le tutor a bordo sulle principali tematiche inerenti a privacy e cybsersecurity.

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Brussels, 19 July - During its latest EDPB plenary, the EDPB adopted an information note for individuals and entities transferring data to the U.S.. This note aims to provide concise and objective information regarding the impact of the adequacy decision on transfers to the U.S., the redress mechanisms available under the Data Privacy Framework (DPF), and the new redress mechanism in the area of national security.

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L’intelligenza artificiale (IA) è una disciplina che mira a sviluppare sistemi in grado di emulare alcune delle capacità cognitive umane. Nel corso degli anni, l’IA ha attraversato diverse fasi, con periodi di fervida attività seguiti da momenti di rallentamento. In questo articolo esploreremo la storia dell’intelligenza artificiale e i suoi momenti cruciali.


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Social media giants Facebook and Instagram will soon be temporarily banned in Norway from tracking users online to target them with advertising.

The Norwegian Data Protection Authority ordered U.S. technology firm Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to stop showing users in Norway personalized ads based on their online activity and estimated locations. The ban kicks in from August, according to an order obtained exclusively by POLITICO and sent to Meta on July 14.

Meta's advertising practice on Facebook and Instagram currently involves the "processing of very private and sensitive personal data through highly opaque and intrusive monitoring and profiling operations," wrote Norway's Datatilsynet agency.

The ban on so-called behavioral advertising will last three months, starting from August 4. Facebook and Instagram will be able to show people customized ads but only based on information given by users in the "about" section of their profiles.


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If you feed America's most important legal document—the US Constitution—into a tool designed to detect text written by AI models like ChatGPT, it will tell you that the document was almost certainly written by AI. But unless James Madison was a time traveler, that can't be the case. Why do AI writing detection tools give false positives? We spoke to several experts—and the creator of AI writing detector GPTZero—to find out.

Among news stories of overzealous professors flunking an entire class due to the suspicion of AI writing tool use and kids falsely accused of using ChatGPT, generative AI has education in a tizzy. Some think it represents an existential crisis. Teachers relying on educational methods developed over the past century have been scrambling for ways to keep the status quo—the tradition of relying on the essay as a tool to gauge student mastery of a topic.

As tempting as it is to rely on AI tools to detect AI-generated writing, evidence so far has shown that they are not reliable. Due to false positives, AI writing detectors such as GPTZero, ZeroGPT, and OpenAI's Text Classifier cannot be trusted to detect text composed by large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT.

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In its Decision published on 13 July 2023, the EDPS finds that the use of Cisco Webex videoconferencing and related services by the Court of Justice of the European Union (the Court) meets the data protection standards under Regulation 2018/1725 applicable to EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

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