Not normally, that wouldn't make much sense. It's easier to just say you signed an NDA and anyone with sense knows you're not allowed to talk about the work.
It would be nice if they could just release things on pc in the first place then we wouldn't have to mess around with all these extra releases
Yeah I don't get that either, every time I see the name now I have to think for a second where I'm half sure it's just a gay group.
Just don't be a dick? If that's too hard then maybe playing with others is too hard.
You definitely can contract it.
Assuming they use the same numbers then yes, 10 is 10 to us but it represents the separator of orders of magnitude. 10 in base 4 would from our perspective be 4, but ignoring the specific numbers and adapting them for the sake of the joke, the alien would write it as 10 and "base 10" would just be base 4. It's like how hexadecimal uses 0-9 and a-f to represent 16 numbers even though we don't have that many in decimal systems. The joke is a translation issue. I feel like I'm over explaining now though...
Isn't the Federation only partly automated? I think you're looking for the Culture.
Well yeah a lot of the concepts for magnetic accelerators for orbital launches in the past 50 odd years have required 2+ km of ramps to work well
After the first season came out I read a way ahead so that's nice to hear
Yeah that's what we do, whisper lists for everyone who needs to do inter-section Comms. Everyone else is just in the discord channels. It's not perfect but it's worked for years now
We use it for additional comms in foxhole, can't be in multiple channels at once and we've got about 8 groups that need to communicate between each other
Yeah, if it said "their daughter was murdered by an incel" there would be no ambiguity but they chose poor wording.