[-] [email protected] 20 points 4 days ago

I think technically he could order someone with the legal authority to use lethal force to do that. So probably the NSA or CIA.

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We only know about when humans mastered fire or started using metal. But we know the exact date when the first powered flight took place. What are some really early "first ____" we know the date of for sure?

[-] [email protected] 90 points 2 months ago

Keep in mind too these guys are writing and reading in like assembly or some precursor to it.

I can only imagine the number of checks and rechecks they probably go through before they press the "send" button. Especially now.

This is nothing like my loosey goosey programming where I just hit compile or download and just wait to see if my change works the way I expect...

[-] [email protected] 123 points 2 months ago

I'm sure this will come if the wrong way but if you're genuinely concerned about discovering diversity of thought, you're going to have to tell us what your positions are for example.

I'm all for finding diversity, but so often what people who post these are looking for is an echo chamber. Like if you're really wanting to be challenged, and you're a conservative, go to https://socialistworker.org/ and read up.

But if what you're concerned about is the nerds in Lemmy seem to be left leaning, that's just the nature of smart creative people. We value skills and creativity over hierarchy and structure.

[-] [email protected] 97 points 3 months ago

I was with this article until the accusation that the Biden admin "stoked tensions" between Russia and Ukraine. It was Putin who invaded Crimea in 2014 and Putin who started backing and staffing separatists in Eastern Ukraine in 2018 and Putin who was talking about getting the USSR back together in 2020 and Putin who massed troops on the Ukrainian border in mid to late 2021, not even a year into the Biden administration.

It's absolute bullshit to blame those tensions on Biden. Complete brain dead, clownish buffoonery.

[-] [email protected] 83 points 6 months ago

Of course they are. They saw what happened when all the kids who grew up watching sesame street and Mr Rogers learned how to think of other people as people and not things. They started supporting their right to exist! As valid individuals! With RIGHTS!?!

Conservatives can only prosper if empathy is suppressed, or at least heavily restricted. You see it every time yet another conservative changes their position on some social issue as soon as they experience whatever it is firsthand.

If they had empathy, they would've already supported the progressive position.

[-] [email protected] 81 points 8 months ago

I think it's funny people actually consider that any of these prosecutors would go after Trump if they weren't coming correct.

They have the fucking goods on him for whatever they actually indict on. They probably have decent but not 100% solid cases on at least twice as much, probably 10x as much.

Setting aside for a moment the bastardized definition of "conservative" that has come to exist these days, prosecutors are CONSERVATIVE. They rarely bring cases they might not win. If it's not certain, they try to intimidate the accused into a plea bargain.

Ok, we can pick up the bullshit modern American politics definition of conservative again. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 9 months ago

And the coldest of the rest of our lives

[-] [email protected] 67 points 9 months ago

I'll believe this headline after I see their golden parachute details. I'm pretty sure for Forbes 500 CEOs "quitting" can be the most profitable thing they'll ever do.

[-] [email protected] 70 points 10 months ago

Our kids swapped the position of our bowls and plates in the cabinets, and our knives, forks, and spoons in the drawers. They definitely won.

[-] [email protected] 90 points 10 months ago

I feel like when the attempted coup fizzled out there was a Russia expert who predicted he's be dead within 90 days. Sounds like that guy was right.

[-] [email protected] 83 points 10 months ago

LOL why are they calling it "shoplifting" this isn't some bored kid stuffing a shirt under their clothes. This is an organized raid.

Jieyun (lemmy.zip)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So is Jieyun pretty fun or useful? That chakram ability seems pretty neat...

[-] [email protected] 157 points 11 months ago

Ok when I heard about this I thought it was just going to be amusing, but seeing the actual commercial it's a fucking masterpiece.

It's so good there are almost certainly going to be MAGA fans who start accusing Greene of being a secret librul the whole time undermining Tangerine Palpatine.

chef's kiss

Puzzle (lemmy.zip)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Is Puzzle basically a "better" Yato to have a 5* fast redeploy on levels where you can't bring Specialists?

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