Right, I guess you would tell immigrants they're free to join another country.
Thanks for calling it "whining" when people engage in conversation about how to organize. You seem nice and tolerant. Not toxic, lover of safe (cruel?) spaces.
Except instead of Nazis (?!?!) it's corporations.
Just block them. Don't deny everybody access. Most of us can handle bad ideas and we don't need admins stepping between people communicating.
You shouldn't throw the accusation of "Nazi" around so casually. You're the hostile one now.
Please don't go too far in denying fellow users access to "problematic" content. Curatorial tools for users is better than the admin-imposed silos that some are trying to form.
I'm genuinely scared of "safe spaces." We can handle these guys and their ideas.
Maybe I should figure out DO. I disregarded then because I didn't understand their droplets or whatever they're called.
I'm socially liberal and economically on the left (as in I like democracy, I accept capitalism, but I want a lot more socialist policies). Downtrodden people should be given assistance, but everyone else should be free to live out their power and ambition unless it gets in other people's way. I'm against most right wing political and social positions. But I'm even more against defederation and mass blocking. I don't want a safe space. There are too many things we need to process with conversation.
I don't want admins stepping between myself and other users, getting in the way of conversations. That's why I left Reddit!
Don't force your safe space on me. That's actually hostile.
"Today's pirates are too mean!"
Right. OP should find a safe space and stop "whining"