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[–] nicerdicer2 14 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

They did. Amongst other issues.

DeLoreans, early-production models in particular, suffered from poor build quality as well as mechanical issues.

This quote ist taken from the English Wikipeda Article. In the German Wikipeda Article quality issues are described more detailed: many issues involved the gull-wing doors, which had a complicated opening mechanism that often jammed. Also one could injure their hand by closing the door, as it was too heavy. The German Wikipeda Article also mentioned, that, due to the choice of material for the body work, a proper alignment of the stainless steel panels was not to be expected.

Edit: to reference to the original question: I haven't found any statements regarding to the pollution of the stainless steel body, but I can imagine that this car had the same issues the Cyber Truck is having.

[–] nicerdicer2 44 points 10 months ago (15 children)

This is a good example for bad design. Apart from the odd shape (this is debateable - perhaps some people like the design) the choice of the exterior material is not to be considered a good one, concidering the vehicle's exposure to the elements (dead bugs, tree sap, salt, dust, dirt, etc.) is nothing out of the ordinary. These are normal things an ordinary vehicle is exposed to.

Maybe Tesla could sell accessories like some kind of panel covers to protect the body of the car, in a similar way phone covers are being sold to protect phones. Which in itself is also the result of bad design: not only a phone cover hides the original design of the phone, the necessity to use a cover on a phone shows that the phone probalby is not built strong enough to withstand daily usage, like falling on the ground or being carried in a pocket.

[–] nicerdicer2 4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Here’s a crazy thing no one talks about; Bugs. Dad taught me to clean the car’s windshield at every gas stop. Ya know, use the squeegee at the station? That was normal car maintenance. We’d often stop just for that purpose. Bug guts everywhere.

This. When I was a kid during the 90s, cars were covered in bugs during summer. Today there are bugs on windshields too, but compared to back then it's maybe only 10% of them. What also comes with the decliine in the insect population is a decline in the population of birds, because there are lesser and lesser natural habitats and food sources.

I am from Europe. What I also noticed is that, when you find insects or spiders and such, many of them are invasive and originally located in southern Europe. But each year they appear farther north, probably because of cilmate change.

For instance, the spider Zoropsis spinimana is a relatively new species in our region, and it's venomous*. Due to it's similarity it can be confused with Tegenaria domestica which is harmless to humans.

Also, with a warmer climate there are more ticks which are prone to spread diseases harmful to humans.

  • Addition: the bite of Zoropsis spinimana is compareable to a wasp sting and is only dangerous to people who have allergies against the venom.
[–] nicerdicer2 24 points 10 months ago

BrandenburgsCDU-Chef Jan Redmann hat sich offen gezeigt, der AfD einen Vizeposten im Präsidium des Parlaments zuzugestehen. "Es nützt der AfD, dass deren Kandidaten regelmäßig bei der Wahl im Bundestag durchfallen", sagte der CDU-Politiker dem RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND). "Denn das stützt ihren eigenen Opfermythos, in dem die Partei sich so lustvoll badet. Sie versucht damit, die anderen als schlechte Demokraten zu stigmatisieren."

Da hat wohl jemand noch Restbestände der guten alten Bleifarbe von der IG Farben aufgetan. Vielleicht sollte sich der Herr Redmann einmal die Correctiv!- Recherche durchlesen. Gerade in der CDU und auch in der Werteunion scheinen viele Kandidaten zu sitzen, die sicherlich kein Problem damit haben, mit der AfD zu koalieren, sollte diese an die Macht kommen. Vermutlich gibt es sogar starke Überschneidungen in der Gesinnung.

[–] nicerdicer2 8 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I haven't had any issues with slow buffering yet, but I have experienced something different: Sometimes the video playback suddenly stops altogether in the middle and throws me out of the video completely. I suspect that an ad is supposed to be played in this particular part of the video. I have to re-start playing the video from the part where it threw me out. Sometimes this happens several times in the same video.

I use the latest Firefox in combination with uBlock Origin (also always up-to-date).

Edit: typos

[–] nicerdicer2 7 points 10 months ago (1 children)

But Keighleeeigh will happily pay for it.

[–] nicerdicer2 25 points 10 months ago (4 children)

You will not be able to connect it directly to a computer. In marketing, this will be to meet rigorous water safety standards.

Making devices water-proof is also a marketing scheme to avoid replaceable batteries :

Some manufacturers are already eyeing an exemption for batteries used in "wet conditions" to opt out electric toothbrushes and possibly wearables like earbuds and smartwatches. The exemption is "based on unfounded safety claims," states Thomas Opsomer, policy engineer for iFixit, in Repair.EU's post.

Despite the coming up regulation on batteries and waste batteries by the EU Council batteries in water-proof devices will probably be exempt from being replceable, because the water proof feature of the device cannot be guaranteed. This undermines the right to repair and manufacturers can hope that customers replace their entire devices soon. Making phones water-proof is a loophole to seal off the device so that it is not to be repaired, at least without keeping the water-proof features after repairing.

[–] nicerdicer2 21 points 10 months ago (2 children)

It only would be a big problem if household devices like washing machines are built in a way that makes a connection to the internet mandatory in order to function properly. Imagine you can't do your laundry because of an internet outage.

Name any household device (washing machine, dishwasher, dryer, toaster, water kettle, iron, coffee maker, (microwave) oven, ...) that has been improved in functionality by connecting it to the internet, making it a internet-of-things-device. I can't think of any.

We have a washing machine that cannot be connected to the internet. After starting the program, we set up a timer on our smartphone, 15 minutes longer than the time the washing machine display is predicting. Works like a charm.

[–] nicerdicer2 1 points 10 months ago

Wieder man ein gutes Beispiel, wie eine Denkmalschutzbehörde Veränderungen verhindert. Wenn sich bereits Hausschwamm im Gebäude ausgebreitet hat, dann ist es so gut wie nicht mehr zu retten - jedenfalls nicht, ohne den Kostenrahmen zu sprengen.

Ich habe selbst ab und zu mit der Denkmalschutzbehörde zu tun, und es ist ein Trauerspiel: Entweder man darf keine Umbauten vornehmen, weil irgendein beliebiger Zustand erhalten bleiben soll ( z.B.: es darf der alte Durchgang von 1905 nicht wieder hergestellt werden, weil dieser Durchgang im Jahre 1870 noch nicht dagewesen ist), oder es soll bei der Errichtung von Neubauten ein Bezug zu bereits denkmalgeschützten Gebäuden, die hunderte Meter entfernt stehen und es nicht einmal eine direkte Sichtverbindung zum Neubau gibt, hergestellt werden. Alles natürlich nicht von Leuten vor Ort entschieden, sondern von Leuten an Schreibtischen in der Landehauptstadt, hunderte Kilometer entfernt vom Ort des Geschehens.

Die Denkmalschutzbehörden betrachten die Weit als Freilichtmuseum. Viele Gebäude, die relativ gut erhalten/ wiederhergestellt werden können, dürfen dann aber von Innen nicht so umgebaut werden, dass es zur angedachten Nutzung passt - eben weil die neue Nutzung im Jahre schießmichtot nicht vorgesehen war.

Hier mal ein passedes Bild, das die Sache gut beschreibt:

Oftmals steht und fällt eine positive Entscheidung aber mit den jeweiligen Sachbearbeitern. Es gibt solche und solche. Leider scheint es oftmals so, dass deren Vorgesetzten keinerlei Rückendeckung mehr bieten, wegwegen dann im Zweifel lieber strikt nach Gesetzeslage vorgegangen und entschieden wird.

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