The fatso didn't leave the house, but ate it from whithin.
Debian the first time I think it's best.
Monkeys could probably made to drink coffee. It'd be easier to have them drink iced coffee, since hot drinks are further from their habits, but hot coffee might not be out of the question either with enough patience and the right conditioning.
Monkeys could probably be made addict to caffeine. They probably shouldn't tho.
And they would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kid!
Karma police, arrest this man!
How does it compare to sigma tho?
The controversial part is equating "centrist" to "least biased". Being a centrist is a political position, and like all others, it comes with its share of bias.
Beside, the "center" views depend in the country, year, and even on who you ask. A man can go from right wing to center to left without changing his stance on anything if the countries politics shift right, and the reverse is true. There were right-wing communists in the USSR, tho they were not right wing by capitalist standards.
There are objective ways to judge a news outlet: Whether they name their sources, whether they've been known to post updates and errata when an info they've posted turned out wrong, whether they're independent, state-funded or dependent on a company, and in the two later cases, are the state or company known to make use of their influence on the news...
And the website quoted by the bot accounts for some of these... But political positioning, while worth mentioning, shouldn't be used to calculate the reliability of an outlet. Doing so doesn't fight bias, but just favors some bias over others.
I had many such movies. The most obscure among them probably being "The child who wanted to be a Bear", a Franco-Danish animation film which doesn't even have a Wikipedia page in English. (It was already DVD and not tape tho)
Dln't quote me on this, but from what I've heard, the Mercador projection became standard because it's good for navigating since qit conserves angles. Draw a strait line depicting your current trajectory and another the trajectory that would get you where you want, measure the angle between them, and that's the actual angle you need to turn.