I was thinking Alien.
Sometimes when a Canadian feels sad, a friend will stab him, just to cheer him up.
I’m all about enlightened self-interest.
Like, altruism is rad and all, but some people are only ever going to be helpful if they stand to gain something, and it’s best we remind them of what they stand to gain at every opportunity.
And so this is Christmas And what have you done?
He’s too real. The electorate craves lies.
JFC, you know Trump’s IT guy has seen some shit. Probably has a 1000 yard stare.
Oh, wow, I’m used to seeing these “stay away from big daddy car” signs on bike trails.
Relax, they’re small cans of light beer. It’s like 4 actual beers, tops.
Crap, you’re right.
Better not vote for them and just accept having no abortion rights until a viable third party shows up.
It’s actually pretty fun when you play it back double speed, chipmunk style.
Windows is nagware now. Microsoft dared to imagine an entire OS on the Winrar model.
Using something I’ve built to destroy warships before they can launch cruise missiles at an apartment block?
Now I am become death, saviour of civilian power grids.