#SUTOM #1040 4/6
#SUTOM #1040 4/6
Mobilizon is a federated group/event platform
On my area meet up and Heylo are popular group/events platform, but both are proprietary
While there is tons of nice place/stuff to do in Paris, many people see it as a perfect, romantic, ideal whatever city, and a visit there the trip of a lifetime.
Paris is a 10 million inhabitants urban area with all the associated problems,
Imagine thinking you're in the perfect city and being stuck in a crowded train, then in traffic, and falling in any possible tourist traps, from the barely legal but legal low quality, high price restaurant to the pickpocketsand other petty crime
While I love the theoretical idea of direct democracy, the EU is supposed to address high level issue with generic directive.
So complex laws on complex topics. Do you know the details of directives like reach? (and typical lemmy audience has more chance to understand REACH over finance) Do you know the details about every chemical substance allowed/banned? Even good faith politicians end up believing lobbyists, imagine a regural person without a team of assistant
Direct democracy is great, but the EU is a too generic level for it to work
Demain, tu es élu où chef de parti, est ce que tu choisis de sacrifier du temps politique et de la crédibilité pour travailler sur le permis de chasse ?
Le sujet est sensible, tant pour les chasseurs que pour les écolos. Donc quelque soit la loi, il y aura des mécontents. Puis si tu veux pas tomber dans le un fait divers, une loiil faut travailler le dossier ce qui prends du temps
Donc, IMO, si il y a besoin d'une réforme, c'est probablement pas assez prioritaire
Just dropping that here https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jd-vance-elon-musk-x-twitter-donald-trump-b2614525.html
Fuck you Elon
Tiens justement j'y pensais en voyant les gens seul sur le vélo cargo éléctrique
Ce serait presque forum libre si ce n'est des sommes d'argents anxyogene.
130 km d'autonomie, c'est pour l'instant le gros point noir. Tu fais pas un A/R à la mer ou chez belle maman sans recharger
The trick is within the company for 20 years. If you're the guardian of some ancient forgotten but critical knowledge, you become impossible to fire
What's she intended audience and the speaker profile?
An AI summit for math/Computer science/Physics students would look very different from an AI summit for business/economy/law students.
-Should everyone get a basic knowledge of how it works under the hood so they use it properly?
Which new jobs will appear? And which one will be replaced
Is it time for UBI?
Shall we setup laws to limit what can be done with AI?
Is AI a massive copyright violation?
Deux films intéréssants,
Split : Juste pour le jeu d'acteur complètement dingue de l'acteur principal et son personage avec une personalité multiple. C'est un thriller qui implique l'enlèvement de jeunes filles, donc âme sensible...
Fracture : Encore un thriller, un père amène sa fille à l'hôpital, et ne la retrouve plus, mais l'a-t-il simplement amené là bas ?