Well it's not 🤷
Does this meme really looks pro-Putin to you?
We hate him because he's the creator of Wagner, a company that kills and torture peoples.
Putin hates him because he's the creator of Wagner, a company that's trying to kill and torture more people than him, which is unacceptable.
We're making fun of the death of Prigojine, an even more horrible human being, so it makes things even
Imagine les trends TikTok quand on aura des voitures volantes !
- "Je poursuis un Boeing avec ma nouvelle Twingo"
- "Sauter par la fenêtre quand tu vois une Ferrari décapotable et filmer la réaction du conducteur"
Okay bah défi "échouer au concours polytechnique trend", c'est vachement plus accessible !
Bah lance un défi "Réussir le concours polytechnique trend" mais y'aura moins de monde quoi 😅
It could use some more content, feel free to add your memes !
Sounds more like arrogant ignorance
Yes officer, this comment right there
Y'a une fonction de cross post dans Lemmy ou c'est manuel ?
This place is literally named shitpost