I have three wisdom teeth. Luckily for me, my mouth has space for them, and they're not in any danger whatsoever.
See if you can get Joya shoes where you live. They're like walking on clouds. I've recommended then to everyone I know, but most ignore the tip. The ones who's gotten a pair thanks me afterwards. You'll NEVER hurt under your feet, no matter how much you walk in a day.
The Kinesis Advantage is an absolute godsend for tendonitis!
I know 4. Two in my native tongue, one in Danish, and one in English.
What? That's insane!
What a bunch of fucking idiots! What's next? Scandinavia does not exist in real life?
Ej, hvor træls!
Det giver da mening når man bliver forfremmet.
På mit arbejde laver jeg automationer for meget forskelligt. Har bevis på at jeg har sparet bedriften for over 4 millioner i året, men så får jeg ingenting tilbage. Søger efter nyt arbejde lige nu!
Ooh, nyt magasin/hvad end det kaldes! Tak for link 🤓
From what you're writing, we should not make hypothetical thoughts at all?
Oregon and Washington should've told Idaho to fix their own problems, and refused help. Yes, I know this is controversial, but how else will the population learn their voting against their own interest?