I'll have to remember tip this at work tomorrow.
Nah, most people hate fascists.
Definitely not. An army of highly skilled warriors whose greatest desire is to die valorously in battle hopped up on pure passion/rage. You'd need some high grade weaponry to stop them.
They'd definitely be very strong hugs. Klingons don't tend to do things half assed.
Doesn't he cheer up a little girl with scars at one point?
Hah, I love that.
Much easier to deal with than stillness sickness.
I swear sometimes it feels like it waits for the right time.
Much like people who think relationship and sex are synonymous, you are vastly oversimplifying the range of human relationships.
One of the youtubers I watch, James Stephanie Sterling, has transitioned wonderfully and looks so much happier, healthier, and more alive. They really seem to have found themselves and it's awesome to see.
I've gotten to area C and it's definitely a bigger difficulty jump. Stepping away and coming back helps a lot. Since the computer had become an asshole I've decided to stop caring much what it says, which is a sort of lesson I suppose. I'm trying to mess with it, now. Still not sure what to think of Elohim other than distrust. And for all I know they could be the same being.