Well, yes, but a rare snack wont kill it. It's like triple fudge cake for humans - yeah its bad for us, but having it once in a while really wont do much harm.
I think the real reason is so that the pockets dont get snagged or deformed while a product is being transported / stored / displayed prior to being sold.
For me, the song is, "Open Road Song" by Eve 6. That song disables all perception of traffic laws.
I don't wish either of them harm, but neither one is fit to lead this country.
I think the law was from the late 60s-mid 70s when driving muscle cars around was a popular past time for young men. My guess is it's a problem that kinda just went away when other types of entertainment became more popular.
Added source to original post
Well...AVgas (aviation gasoline) still uses leaded fuel....and it gets dispersed more, as it eminates from aircraft.......so there's that
In a town in Ohio I used to live in, the answer was 50. There is a law on the books that says its a misdemeanor to lap over 50 times in a day.
Edit: I was slightly wrong - its 100 times in a single session. Source: https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/ohio/crazy-laws-part-2-oh/
I run ReviOS on my media box mini PCs...definitely better that vanilla windows
Strong dissagree. I am barely functional pre-caffeine in the early morning. A Keurig is about as much mental energy as I can muster to operate. It is a godsend to me on day I work early.
And who says chivalry is dead